So recently, I was inspired by
ktmonkeyj and
her clear umbrella art, so I thought I'd try it as well.
And here are the results:
As you can see, Tora is very interested in the results too.
Some of these are kinda blurry, but you should be able to make out the shapes
Basically, I scanned the original CD cover at a much higher DPI. Then, I cut it into pieces on the computer, printed each piece, and re-tapped them back again so that it could act as a pattern.
I then re-cut specific sections of the cover and taped them on the outside of the umbrella. I'd bought 3 paint markers - red, black and light blue - and I followed the parts of the pattern I liked.
The only problem was, once I'd finished "painting" the design, the paint itself didn't seem to dry completely. It remained tacky to the touch, and I discovered that if I closed the umbrella, parts of the paint would stick to the other side.
Fortunately, these mistakes of mine aren't that noticeable, so I wasn't upset, but I had to figure out how to make it so it wouldn't stick.
mikarocker to the rescue!!!
I went to my local craft store, and while I was there, i gave her a call (since she's an art major, I figured she'd have some insight on what I could get.) At first she was like, "Why don't you ask someone at the store?" But this store was in the inner city Bronx, which isn't well known for it's arts and crafts (unless graffiti counts
) She agreed, though, to look up stuff on the internet for me, and I agreed to ask someone in the store.
I was led to the paint aisle, where I found this clear acrylic spray for wood, but it was for wood and it was $16.
But then
mikarocker called me back and told me about "Fixatif" which is used on charcoal paintings to seal them, but then that led me to a bottle of low odor clear coating, wihch you can spray on plastic, and that was only $6~
Worked like a charm. I sprayed it on, and the tackiness went away.
But then, I was stupid and closed the umbrella again, before waiting the required 2 hours for total drying, and I ruined it yet again.
Meh... I think I will bring it to school and leave it there for just in case rainstorms when I've forgotten my umbrella.
I'll just make another one....