Jan 07, 2007 21:13
nothing like this ever happens to me.
what have i gotten myself into?
Uh OH!!!!!!
i am going to vow right now that i won't do this ever again!!!!!
i just hope i can end stuff, and not make this worse...but u know, i am a gay fagtard, so i dunno.
LOL..but not really.
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Comments 2
But you know, you ever need advice or just someone to plain talk to, i'm only a phone call away. Or, you know, an hour and a half drive, whatever you prefer.
LOL thank you so much!
And no, its nothing that bad, u know how when something happens, and it feels terrible, but after like 2 days its like nothing..lol its one of those things..i will tell you about it one day in the near future! LOL And the drive to your house is an hour, and on good days, 45 minutes when my mom drives!!! LOL And we should totally talk more on the phone...we're weird kids for never doing that ever.. lol. I <3 you! You're like the most amazing cousin ever!!!! Yeah!!!! LOL
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