"WARNING: ADULTS ONLY! ABSOLUTELY NOT FOR CHILDREN!" Translation: Produced for and by 13-year old boys. This is too hilarious to be intended for anyone to get off with. (At least that's what I'm going to tell myself so I can sleep at night.) I especially love the BOOBIE font - very classy.
Comments 5
Translation: Produced for and by 13-year old boys.
This is too hilarious to be intended for anyone to get off with. (At least that's what I'm going to tell myself so I can sleep at night.) I especially love the BOOBIE font - very classy.
*runs away*
porn is boring, cartoon porn is the best because it's so over the top.
I call it the best Porn because the name is hilarious.
how about the fact that they are SO large and only connected by a thin area of skin on the back of the boob.
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