1. So you want to be a doctor, eh? Have you thought about specialization? What do you want to specialize in?
This changes with every new thing I do. In high school all I wanted to be was an ER doctor. When I was an EMT, I really felt that the ER was the place for me. Then Annie introduced me to Osteopathy and I am incredibly passionate about it (it's not really a speciality as much as it is a kind of medicine.) I know that I want to practice rural medicine now. That probably means family practice, which is good for DOs. I know that I want to be that doctor who knows their patients and really gets an idea of who they are and what the need. I also really like the idea of working with speical needs kids.
2. How do you take your coffee/tea?
I used to drink a lot of tea because Annie didn't like the smell of coffee. So I love tea. Strong black tea. Now I can drink coffee and I loveeee it so much. I really like drinking it strong and black but a little milk is nice too. No sugar though.
3. If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it
be? Where would you go for lunch, and what would you order?
Melissa Ferrick. We would eat at Fridays and then we would go to a Tracy Chapman concert. She would have a steak, very rare. And I would have a burger with lots of onions. And I wouldn't be able to eat because I would just want to make out with her the entire time. Then I would have her sing to me. Then after the concert, we would go back to my place or her hotel room and talk about exes. (I think I took this one too far.)
4. Do you want to have children? Have you ever thought about possible
names? If so, what are those names?
I want to have so many children. My own children, one or two. And I want to have foster children. Teenagers because they are the ones that get left out. I want to give my home to someone who truly needs it. And I want to open my heart to these kids because nothing else will be as rewarding as watching someone else grow.
As for names, i think the teens I bring in will come with their own names. As from my own kids, I used to want to name them after rock stars (Cobain Marie for example) but I am way over that now. The only name I really want to use is my grandma's because she is such an inspiration to me. Her name is Minnie. Carol Minnie Arp. I want to use Minnie.
5. What is your favorite memory from those two years spent in Junior High
school? (Yes, I realize Jr. High is pretty hellish for most everyone . .
. so let's dwell on teh good stuff, shall we?)
This is a tough one. I was so sad all the time in Jr high. But I think some of the best times where hanging out with Ms. Swanson during brunch and lunch.