The last part will be super tiny, but I'm putting the last part with my OVERALL GAME IMPRESSION/GENERAL SPOILERS, so. This one plays through to Day 354, so spoilers until there!
Day 298: Fracture.
Roxas is walking in the halls when he sees Axel and Saïx conversing.
Axel: You're ordering me to what!? Saïx: Tell me what choice is left, now that Xion has had contact with that man in the black coat. Saïx sees Roxas, and walks away. Roxas comes up to Axel. Roxas: Um, Axel? Axel: ........
Axel also walks away!
This is great. Really. I MISS THE HAPPY FUN TIMES. In the lounge, I go talk to Saïx, only for him to say that Xion has betrayed the Organization.
Roxas: What? No! Saïx: You saw the creature consorting with that impostor. What more evidence do we need? Roxas: That's not evidence! Who knows why she was with him? [Roxas looks at Axel, who looks down.] Saïx: I think we all know, and you just don't want to accept it. Roxas: [looks down] He might be forcing her.
In bed.
Saïx: Ha! Spare me your repulsive displays of would-be sentiment. Roxas: It's not a display! Why is it such a crime to give each other the benefit of the doubt? [Roxas looks at Axel once again, but Axel only walks towards him and shakes his head.] Saïx: The imposter has resurfaced in Twilight Town. Go and destroy him, Roxas-- like I expected you to do yesterday. Roxas: Rrgh... Saïx: Axel, you bring Xion back. Gagged and tied up, for all I care.
Saïx: If that proves too troublesome, then you are authorized to adopt a more permanent solution. Roxas: What? Saïx, no! Saïx: Get going. Axel: Well, this is pretty icky, huh?
Applause for understatement of the century.
Roxas: You're not actually gonna follow those orders? Axel: Relax. I'll think of something clever once I find her. You just worry about yourself, huh? That guy in the coat didn't look like the type to go down without a fight. Roxas: I know.
The KH truth: You cannot go one game without fighting Riku. Seriously. This said, the mission is obvious: find and defeat the impostor in Twilight Town. I have a bad feeling about this. Riku's not in the sandlot, but A TON FUCK OF MEGASHADOWS ARE. Urgh. Defeat those and head to the Tram Common to get Roxas to start talking to himself.
Roxas: I know that was Xion I saw yesterday. But... who was the guy with her? Why didn't she try to get away from him?
And suddenly, up there is Riku. He runs off once Roxas notices him, and Roxas yells at him to wait. You chase after the impostor for a while. ...That doesn't look like Riku -- and it isn't! PHEW I WAS THINKING HE WAS EVEN SMALLER AND GIRLIER TODAY.
SCEEEEEEEENE. ;o; socute ;o; sosad. She keeps dodging him ;o; The Axel/Xion fight! uwah ;; Wow, Axel totally just ... ninja chopped her in the neck when she was distracted, then portal'd off with her. AXEL IS RIKE NINJA. Roxas portals back to the castle and is PISSED AT AXEL. For some reason. 8D; Axel acts totally casual, going with a o hai Roxas. Roxas wants to know where Xion is. Axel says she's safe. Roxas is still pissed, and asks how he could do that to her. Axel: Do what? Roxas: You didn't have to use force. Axel: Didn't I? Roxas: No... Of course not! We're supposed to be best friends!
Part of my heart dies a little more each cutscene this game gives me, I swear to god.
Axel: This isn't about friendship. Roxas looks confused, and Axel looks away. Axel: If that's all, I gotta go. Roxas is mentally pissed, thinking 'If that's all!?'.
... YES, IF THAT'S ALL. idk my heart.
Day 299: Sora.
Scene with Axel and Saïx in 3D! Some make-believe friendship or a real one sceeene. Saïx is ... a douche... ... Lea! He CALLED HIM LEA! I THOUGHT I'D NEVER GET THIS SCEEEEEENE. Pronounced Lee, for all interested. So it's at least not that gay.
A-anyway, cut to Roxas and Xaldin. Xaldin doesn't know where Xion is -- why would he? Roxas goes to ask Luxord. Luxord didn't even know she had returned. Roxas is depressed. "Doesn't anybody know what happened to her?" Well the guy who does is called Lea. Teeheehee -- shutting up now. "Unless HE does..."
No, he doesn't mean Axel! Roxas ports in to the meeting room, where Xemnas is there. Sitting.... Is that all Xemnas does ALL DAY? Regardless, Roxas says he needs to ask him something. "And what would that be?" "What happened to Xion? Can you tell me?" "Put your mind at ease. Xion is a valued member of the Organization, but she needs her rest."
'Valued member' MY ASS. >(
Roxas gets a flashback to the darkness beach scene, -- and this time, no mouthing. He actually hears Sora. "...Sora." Xemnas dots. "Who is Sora?" "He's the connection." "The what?" "He is what makes you and Xion a part of each other's lives. Just as he is the reason I placed Xion among our number. And if you want her to stay that way, I must insist you get your mind off these needless distractions. I will have Xion returned to her duties tomorrow. Today, you must focus on yours." "All right."
Gdit Xemnas.
Roxas portals out. He walks in the hallways -- and runs into Axel. "Hey, Roxas." Roxas doesn't look at him, only dots. Then he walks past him, ignoring him completely.
W-waaah. I don't think my heart can take this. ;;
In the lounge, Xigbar gives you gold if you have a badass weapon. Xaldin, for his part, wonders why Xemnas is fretting over something so insignificant. THE MEANEST SECRETARY EVER says if you have time to mope, you've got time to work. Hate. There's only one mission -- Destroy the Shadow globs in Never land.
It's night when you get to Never land, this time. There's also access to Hook's ship! Since there are only three Shadow Globs outside, I guess I don't have a choice. Once thiiiiis is done, scene with Xemnas and Saïx.
"Are you certain we've taken suitable measures with Xion and Roxas?" That sounds gay. "I will admit, Xion has strayed from our original designs. But this unpredictable behavior is proving to have an interesting side effect." "Really?" "We wanted the Key. Xion's exposure to Roxas effected a transfer of its power, just as we had hoped. Had things stopped there, Xion would have been an unequivocal success. But then, through Roxas, Sora himself began to shape 'it' into 'her', giving Xion a sense of identity. I was ready to scrap the whole project... Then, it occurred to me: Xion is keeping Sora's memories trapped by claiming them as her own. Keeping her close to Roxas will prevent Sora from ever waking."
'It'???? Creature, it -- this is mean, but Xion's a project, so I guess that's... douche-y still.
"I see. And what do you want to do about the impostor in black?" "That gadfly? See that he stays away from Roxas. He only poses a threat if his buzzing reaches Xion's ears." "Then we are back on track."
The scene goes to the outside of the world that never was. Riku's on the skyscraper. Then. Xion is in her room, fetal position on her bed again. "Riku, what should I do?" The camera pans out to Kingdom Hearts. End scene.
First, THAT WHOLE SCEEENE. And. RIKU IS A GADFLY hahahahafkdjksd. But mostly D:. In general! JUST D:!!! Except for that they are calling it mithril this game and that annoys me.
Day 300: Shutdown.
new keyblade: Darker than Dark. ... And yet it's purple-y. GUYS STOP MAKING ROXAS'S KEYBLADES GAY.
There's no one save for Saïx in the lounge room today. Aw. The mission is in Never land again: Eliminate the Phantomtail. It's a Heartless, durh.
Roxas portals in -- it's night, still -- and notices Hook's ship. Being convenient, Hook pops up and yells 'caught you' so Roxas can notice him. He's caught Tink! Roxas is all D: about it. Roxas says screw the mission, he's going. \o/ Fuck yeah hero genes. Hook for his part, is still ranting about that treasure. Oi... Anyway, Roxas frees Tink. He says he's got to go now, but Tink stops him and Roxas hallucinates Sora again. Tink shows him a piece of the map Hook shredded in a fit of anger.
After this painful bout of digging, Roxas finally realizes the heartless have nothing to do with the boxes. HONESTLY IT TOOK YOU THAT LONG YOU REALLY ARE RELATED TO SORA. He figures it might be hook's fault, and you go see what those two are up to. They dig, and another heartless comes out. They run away. The heartless they dug up is the one I was after! Hurray. Beat him up (but don't hit the head/wings or he'll teleport away >( ) and Roxas finally realizes Hook is the one drawing all the Heartless to him. He's not sure why but that is a question for another day. Oi. Once you RTC, Pete walks by and wonders where the heartless went. AND YES IT IS THE GREED THAT ATTRACTS THEM IF YOU DOUBTED IT.
Anyway, back to something we care about, Roxas sits alone on the clock tower until Axel joins him. And then Xion joins them. No one says anything.
): Baw.
Elsewhere, Naminé is standing in front of Pod!Sora. "Oh no..." DiZ the douche comes by. "What has happened?" "It's Sora... his memory has stopped." "Stopped?" "Unless something is done, he'll never wake from his slumber." "Then so be it. The gloves must come off." "But... what'll happen to..." "Those Nobodies had no business existing in the first place-- as you know fully well, Naminé." "Yes..."
Day 301: Vacant Place.
Save Stats: Day 301, Level 40, 33213 munny, 34:28:18 hours.
(As I just got a level tripler, that level? Nooot sticking around.)
So. Anyway. In the lounge room-- Xaldin gives you a new mission for not being a sloth and filling the bonus gauge for some days idk I kinda skimmed it. Axel asks if everything's going okay, and Xion says she's sorry, and gives you a Shining Crystal. This totally bodes well for the future. Nooot.
Four missions today, one is mandatory. As always! Non-mandatory ones go first.
1) Beast's Castle = break the jars. I am doing this first because they are trying to determine my fitness and oh god that's almost cute. Anyway, over all the mission is pretty easy -- there's a few strong Heartless hiding in a couple of jars, and one of the jars is only accessible through glide, but it's all easily done. And if you fall for the fake chest trick when the mission says there are zero treasure chests, you are retarded. RTC!
Xaldin now tells Roxas to watch himself out there. You guys, Xaldin cares. That's... that's fucking creepy, seriously.
2) Eliminate the Giant Heartless in Halloween Town. Xigbar is supposedly already in the field, so you get to 'rendez-vous' with him. That is so gay. On we go. Roxas enters Halloween Town and reiterates the mission, because he be dumb. YES I KNOW FIRST WE TRACK DOWN XIGBAR ROXAS THAT IS ALL WRITTEN IN THE MISSION REPORT! Once you enter the main town, a bunch of heartless pop by. Booo.
Kill 'em dead and move on, soldier. You move on to the graveyard, and a gajillion shadows pop up. Roxas learned sarcasm, and says this is fair. I'm so proud of him for learning sarcasm, guys. ;O; But, suddenly, from above-- LAZERS!!! That was Xigbar being badass, guys. "Well, well. Look who decided to drop in." Xigbar shows off with his gun. "Xigbar!" "Hey, Roxas. Taking in the sights?" "Don't be ridiculous. I'm here to back you up!" "You're here to-- Ah ha ha! As if! Ha ha, Saïx has got some sense of humor if he's sending you to bail me out." "What's so funny about that?" "Kiddo, the only thing you'll ever save me from is boredom. Let's get this over with, huh?" Roxas nods.
I love Xigbar, guys. So much. Move out until you get to ZA HILL, and a bunch of heartless pop by again. Beat 'em up and move on. On the bridge to the ruins of Oogie's manor, a giant ice cube pops up. Roxas seems to think this is our heartless. Xigbar laughs, and we all assume he is so, so wrong.
Beat that one out, and Roxas says Mission accomplished. Xigbar grins. "Or is it?" "Huh? Oh, come on, quit playing ar--" Xigbar pushes Roxas down as a GIANT THING STABBITIES FROM THE SKY idek! That would have skewered you, yes. The Heartless? Is probably the size of Oogie's mansion way back when. ... Okay, I'm exaggerating, but still pretty big. Xigbar says this is what he'd call giant.
This is a Chill Ripper, and except for a good dose of Fire magic, the easiest is just to hit and dodge, as always. Beat it up, and mission's over. Xigbar: There. Now you can say 'mission accomplished'. Roxas: You could have just told me that ice cube Heartless wasn't our target. Xigbar: But because I didn't, you learned a hard and valuable lesson. And for the record, I did warn you to keep your head on straight. Roxas: Well, yeah, but... Xigbar: Heh heh. Come on, kiddo, let's RTC. Roxas: Okay.
I still kinda love Xigbar, man. This done, RTC time, and also next mission time!
3) Last non-mandatory mission: Eliminate the Emerald Serenade in Wonderland. Uuuurgh... Done this twice before, so. This is routine, just... painful routine. Pick a corner, wait there, hit it, etc. Once it's dead, RTC.
4) Last mission! There's a powerful heartless threat in Never land. KILL IT. :B Roxas portals in next to the skull cave (the one where they kept Tiger Lily prisoner, and WHY DO I REMEMBER THESE THINGS). It doesn't look like he'll be able to cross without flying! O noes! Tink conveniently appears. Roxas is full of pixie dust again. Tink wants him to go in the skull cave. Roxas wonders why, though the answer is KIND OF OBVIOUS!
On the island right next to the Skull cave, Hook and Smee are still digging for treasure. Oi vey... The treasure is ... a skull... and a sword... plus a chest. This is totally our Heartless, innit. Hook goes into OMG GREEEED mode. It makes the treasure chest go into I AM ACTUALLY A GIANT HEARTLESS MODE. I'm unsurprised. They run away and Roxas figures this means he can play kill the Heartless once more.
Pete, however, finally figures out Roxas has been killing his heartless. Oops. Roxas is like wtf are you doing here. The giant bird heartless attacks. The info says to defeat the 'Ruler of the Sky'. Lol. It's a long but relatively easy fight, and man my fingers huuurt. Once you beat the thing, Hook is trying to get Smee to peddle faster to their boat. Yep... Then, Hook and Smee realize it's dying... ... RIGHT ON THEIR SHIP HAHAHAA fdksdkjs it's in TATTERS MUAHAHA. The heart floooats up. Hook is horrified. Smee is, as always, super calm about this. Tink is lolling so hard. Pete is angry, and runs away. Roxas wonders what Pete wants with an army of Heartless.
The answer lies in, uh, Pete being more of a straight-up villain. RTC, and Roxas goes to the clock tower. There's no one there. He sits down to wait... but no one comes. ):
SKIP TO DAY 321: Waning Power.
Flashes to the scene in Hollow Bastion with Riku stealing your Keyblade and generally being a douche. Douuche. It ends with Donald and Goofy walking away, leaving Sora alone, on his knees. Roxas cries a single tear in his sleep. -- Wait what? ... He gets up and wipes his eyes. "Wh-what... Did something get in my eyes?"
... Roxas ;;
For getting over 150 points in a mission, Xigbar gives you a Frost Crystal. Woo. Xion asks Roxas if he's okay -- he doesn't look so good. I've also got a new Keyblade: Maverick Flare. It looks badass, for once. It's also got a super high attack power. Fufu... >3
Today's mission: Team up with Xion to kill the Spiked Crawler in Agrabah. Let's go!
They portal in Agrabah, and Roxas is quiet. He summons his Keyblade and stares at it. Xion asks what's wrong. "Nothing." "You look pale." "You're imagining things. [bright smile] Let's go." THAT IS A SORA TRAIT RIGHT THERE. D: "Well... Okay..."
Info: Roxas is having an off day! Level halved.
Oh fuck you.
O mai there's a new puzzle in the cave of wonders with blocks or something retarded like that. Anyway, you end up going to the room where the Keyhole used to be. Huh. Roxas and Xion go to the door that used to hold the Keyhole.
Roxas: "End of the line." Xion: I remember this... Roxas: Huh? Xion: It's a keyhole. See?
Flashback to Sora sealing that keyhole. Xion falls down, as always. Way to gooooo.
Roxas: You okay? Xion: Y-yeah... [They stare at each other... SOULFUL GAAAZEEES.] Xion: You look so much like him. Roxas: ... What?
Sorry to disturb you guys in your lover's talk, but-- Spiked Crawler attacks! ... I can't hit him at all, and then Xion just. KILLS IT WITH ONE SHOT! Xion is just as shocked as I am.
Xion: H-how... How did I just do that? Where did that power come from? [she unsummons her Keyblade, and turns to Roxas, who looks pretty out of breath there.] Roxas? [she runs to him] Hey, are you all right? Roxas: Yeah... Using the Keyblade these days... I don't know what's wrong with me-- I just run out of steam. Xion: You... You do? Roxas: [shakes his head, laughs] You know what, never mind. I'm probably just overworked, heh. Xion: You sure you're okay? Roxas: 'Course I am. C'mon, Xion, let's RTC.
I feeeel useleeeeess I didn't even touch the booooss ... The kids RTC, but Xion stays behind to dot and look sullen. Skip to the Clock tower! Xion and Roxas are sitting and eating ice cream silently.
"You're really, really okay?" "Okay, you're starting to weird me out." "Why?" "Since when do you ever worry about me?" "Well, excuse me!"
Yeah that was pretty asshole-y.
"Just feels strange, that's all. Usually, I do all the worrying over you. I don't think it's ever been the other way around before." "[hmph] Well, for your information... I worry about you all the time, Roxas." D'AWWWWWWW "I'm glad you're back, Xion. I just wish Axel didn't have to be so rough with you." "I guess he's not coming today." "You want him to?" "What, did you two have a fight?" "I can't believe that jerk would actually attack you."
): Hey.
"So he's a jerk now?" THANK YOU XION. "......" "Roxas, I wouldn't be sitting here with you if Axel hadn't done that." "....." "He's your best friend." "So are you." Silence. "It's just not the same, without all three of us..."
Skip to THAT CASTLE THAR IN THE SKY. Axel walks in the hallways, and Xion yells after him!!1
Xion: Axel! Axel: You need something? (he's doing the pouty face again!!) Xion: What? No... I just...Something's wrong with Roxas. I thought you might know what's up. He says the Keyblade wears him out now when he goes to use it. And suddenly I find myself fighting the same way he does... Axel finally turns to face her. Axel: Well, you know him better than me. (POUTY FACE OF POUTINES!! kfjkdjks) Xion: Why... why would you say that? Axel: Ask yourself what's doing it to him. Xion: [shakes her head] I'm not sure. Axel: Oh, you're not sure? What, did they forget to build you with common sense? (angry face, and oh dude Axel harsh D: ) Xion: [looks up] ....! Axel: Oh, come on, don't look shocked. You already knew you're a Replica.
Axel: A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas's powers. If he's getting weaker and you're getting stronger... Well, that just means you're borrowing a little more than you oughta be. Xion: [looks down] ..... What should I do, then? Axel: I can't make that decision for you. You're no puppet in my book. You're my best friend. Mine and Roxas's. Got it memorized? Xion: [smiles] Yeah.... [looks down] Can I ask you one other thing? Axel: What's that? Xion: I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas. Is he who I think he is?
We don't get to hear the answer, as the camera pans out to Xigbar, HIDING BEHIND A CORNER, shaking his head and laughing. A nobody's ultimate weakness: a fucking corner. Also, oh god Axel ilu fuck my heart. ;o;
Day 322: The program.
In the meeting room, Xigbar is tattling!
Xigbar: Sora is having a powerful effect on her. Xemnas: Yes, it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own-- nor become the person we see. But in the end, it only proves the puppet is the more worthy vessel. At last, the time has come. Saïx, are the devices ready? Saïx: All three will be operable in a matter of days. Xemnas: Good. Saïx: What do you want to do with Roxas? Xemnas: Both of them have connections to Sora, but we only need one of them under our thumb. Let Xion take from Roxas the rest of what he has to give... Or, let him destroy her first and get it all back. It makes no difference to me. Either way, Sora's power will be ours.
... I think this can all be summed up in a wonderful: D8 face. W-waaah ;; Xemnas you douche
In the lounge, Xion tells Roxas to please be careful, and gives him an Elixir Recipe. For getting all the treasure chests in mission 82, Luxord gives you a new mission. ): I THOUGHT YOU WERE COOL NOW, LUXORD. Axel advices Roxas not to get himself in trouble. Xigbar: Ain't Xion just a peach now? The face of an angel. Just gotta be careful-- girls her age have many faces.
... D8 this is foreshadowing, innit
5 missions today. Only one is mandatory. HILARIOUS: THE MANDATORY ONE IS IN WONDERLAND. FML.
New Keyblade: Omega Weapon+. It looks kinda badass. I'm still collecting items to get the Ultima Keyblade though. /shakes fist
1) Collect Emblems in Never land with Luxord. I'm doing this first because I BLOOOW at it. 8B FOR EVERYONE'S INFO, THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I COMPLETELY FILL UP THE GAUGE FOR THAT KIND OF MISSION. WOOOOO. It only took me 300+ days.
... ):
Day 323: Fleeting
Mission 2: Eliminate the 3 Windstorms in Halloween Town. The three pop up at the same time in the center of town. Fffff! :D; After that, if you feel adventurous, there's an Invisible in the graveyard, but I'm really not up to playing KILL YOURSELF IT'LL BE FUUUUN. RTC!
3) Team up with Xigbar and eliminate the scorching sphere in Olympus Coliseum. As always, this is routine mission. :B I pretty much kill myself to deestroy the damn thing, because I'm too lazy to just heal myself and beat it up the old fashioned way. LIMIT BREAK IS THE WAY TO GO, ASSHOLE!!!
... Moving on.
4) This mission is hilarious. SEARCH FOR XALDIN IN BEAST'S CASTLE. That's right, folks. We lost Xaldin. If that ain't hilarious, I dunno what is. Roxas portals in, and begins his search by saying "All right, Xaldin... Where are you?" Yeah cause like that helps.
Anyway, I end up in the ballroom. Belle is lamenting to herself that "he just isn't himself lately, I wonder what's happened". Xaldin has already started being an ass to the Beast! Awesooooome. Roxas wonders why the Beast has been acting strange. I wonder if Xaldin's other was actually Forté, then wonder why I watched the An Enchanted Christmas sequel. Roxas has a hint of insight has he wonders why he gets the feeling Xaldin has something to do with that.
Answer: Because he's kind of a douche.
In the East wing, Cogsworth and Lumiere are conversing. Talking about how the Beast is out of sorts... again. They have no idea why! (Hint: It has huge sideburns, fights with six lances, and thinks dreadlocks in a ponytail is an acceptable hairstyle.) They wonder if it has anything to do with the stranger Mrs. Potts spotted in the castle. The answer is duh. Lumiere hadn't heard of this stranger! Cogsworth describes him as a man in a black coat with black hair. Lumiere says no one would be foolish enough to antagonize the Beast. Yeaah, about that... Roxas says that sounds like Xaldin for sure. He figures he should keep looking.
In front of Beast's room, Roxas says Xaldin seemed awfully interested in the Beast. So, maybe he's in there. He peers inside... The Beast is stalking back and forth. talking to himself. "No... I won't believe it. He must have been lying." He walks to his rose. "Belle, betray me? He said she would take everything from me. That's not possible. I trust her!" Roxas wonders 'he, who? Xaldin?' He talks to himself because he's crazy. "It sounds like Xaldin made some kind of contact. Then he might still be somewhere in the castle..."
After a while of pointlessly running around the castle, I finally notice that he's beside the Portal. Uhm. Oops. "Xaldin!" "Roxas... Why are you here?" "You never RTC'd from your last mission. I came to get you." "Hmph. How presumptuous." "What's kept you here so long?" "Just making a few preparations." "Preparations for what?" "It won't be long now. Things here should become quite interesting." "(Is that why he made contact with the beast?)" "A shame you've wasted your time. We return immediately." "Fine..." RTC time!
Pft, KH2 foreshadowing. Anyway.
Roxas then eats ice cream on the clock tower on his own. ):
I CAN MAKE ROXAS'S "ULTIMA" (okay it only says ultima gear but) KEYBLADE MUAHAHA. TWILIGHT BLAZE IS BADASS. MUAHAHA. Also like my attack just bumped up to 182. EAT THAAT.
kay I'm done. LAST MISSION: Collect hearts in ThatPlaceYouHate, aka Wonderland. Man, I love this new Keyblade. 8) 8) 8) I love it so much it makes Wonderland tolerable! Anyway, RTC.
Yes Roxas is eating at the clock tower alone again.
Skip to Day 352: Sunset.
Xion is emoing in her room. "I'm going to wreck everything... What's the right thing to do? Riku would know..."
The scene cuts to that scene with Riku in the beach! Kairi's theme gets a remix... oh god it's adorable. THE SCENE IS PRETTY HORRIBLE. ): In the. D8 sad way. Oh god this is just. MY HEART. And is that Xion getting a theme FUCK SQUARE I NEED THOSE. EYES. TO SEE. THE GAME. THROUGH TEARS IT IS HARD. IDEK! I-in her room, Xion takes out a seashell. "I have to make the most of the time he's given me." She looks to Kingdom Hearts.
Skip, Roxas enters the lounge. Roxas: Hey, Xion, good morning. Xion: Good morning. Roxas: Listen-- Xion: Sorry, I gotta go. [she leaves ):] Roxas: ..... Saïx: Roxas. How are you feeling today?
Roxas: Same as always. Saïx: I have an urgent mission especially for you and your Keyblade. There's a Heartless that's surfaced in Halloween Town. I was hoping you might exterminate it for us. Roxas: S... sure... Leave it to me! Axel: [WALKS INTO THE CONVO 8)] Hey, whoa whoa whoa... Roxas, you really wanna do that? Roxas: Why wouldn't I? Axel: It's just, lately you-- Saïx: Shouldn't you already be out on your mission, Axel? Roxas: Yeah, I need to get ready, too. Let's catch up later! [walks off] Axel: But... Saïx: Can't you just let things run their course? Axel: ......
I'm just gonna go bawl for THE REST of MY LIFE. In advance. Xigbar wants you to do some 50 final limit kills. I say no, because SERIOUSLY NO. 8(
The mission is, of course, eliminate the giant heartless in Halloween Town. Let's go do that. Roxas portals in and mentions that Xion looked really upset this morning. He'll go talk to her once he finishes his mission. Boo. Roxas enters the town square, and there's no sign of the Heartless there. HE SHALL CHECK FURTHER IN. Roxas walks in the graveyard, and says it's still not there-- EXCEPT IT POPS BY AND IS LIKE HELLO I LOOK LIKE SATAN. Roxas wonders how it could've gotten this close without him noticing. It looks like it's related to Invisibles, Roxas. :\ sigh...
So, after hitting it a few times, the game stops so Roxas can say IT'S TOO POWERFUL O NOES. (... I probably could've won, but hey, not gonna complain.) "I've gotta finish this now, before it wears me down any further. It's all or nothing..."
"STOP, both of you!" Roxas: Xion? Xion: Roxas? Wh... What are you doing here? The Heartless I was fighting-- it was you? Axel: This mission was a set-up. Roxas: What? Axel: It was rigged so you two would battle each other. Roxas: Me and Xion? But...Xion: [looks down] They would do that?
): yes becuz they are douches
It cuts to the clock tower. They're all eating ice cream together. Xion: Brain freeze, ha ha. Roxas: [laughs] Been a while since we all hung out like this, huh? Axel: Well, we have had our share of drama. [pause] Hey, I just remembered-- did you guys know you should be checking your ice cream sticks? Xion: Really? For what? Axel: Once you finish your ice cream bar, check the stick. It might say WINNER. Roxas: Hey, wait a second... Oh yeah! Axel: "Oh yeah" what? Roxas: Uhhh... N-nothing. So, what do you win? Axel: Heh, beats me. Roxas: Ha ha, you don't know? Axel: It's gotta be something good, if you're a WINNER!
[dies laughing]
Roxas: Right. Xion: Heh heh heh... [all looks at the sunset] Wow. The sun sure is beautiful. I know we've seen a lot of sunsets, but today's puts them all to shame. If only things stayed like this. Axel: ..... Roxas: [START EMO THEME MUSIC] What if we all ran off? Xion: What? Roxas: The three of us. Then we could always be together.
I LIKE THAT PLAN /makes au!fics out of it SOMEHOW
Xion: [shakes her head] We don't have any place to run. Axel: ...... Roxas: [sighs] I know. Heh, I was just thinking out loud. Axel: Well, even if things change, we'll never be apart-- Xion: As long as we remember each other, right? Don't worry, Axel-- we got your hokey speech memorized. Axel: Just checking. Xion: I'll have these moments memorized for a long time. Forever, I hope. Roxas: [nods] Me too. Forever...
3D scene with Naminé and DiZ and Riku while I cry. Tears. BECAUSE I PLAYED KH2. D8
Day 353: Resolve.
Axel is walking in the corridors when Saïx stops him. Saïx: You've meddled again. Axel: [WITH ANGRY FACE] Sorry, did you say something? Saïx: We don't need them both. Just one. And pretending won't change it. Axel: ..... Saïx: Think about that. [walks off]
I'm pretending Saïx doesn't exist too Axel. ):
Roxas enters the lounge room. Xigbar, Xion, Saïx and Axel are all in the same spot. Xion has her hood up -- and I know whyyy nooow 8) 8) so it doesn't booother meeee. ... Okay it still does. Axel: Now here's an unlikely trio. Me, Xigbar, and Xion? Xigbar: Worried I'll slow you down? Axel: 'Course not. Touchy, touchy... It's just not every day we get to go for a stroll with Number II himself. Ain't that right, Xion? Xion: Yeah.
Roxas walks closer. "Hey, you three are teamed up for the day?" Saïx: You have your own mission, Roxas. Roxas: I can't trade with Xigbar or something? Saïx: What an extraordinary childish notion. Do you need Axel to walk you everywhere now? Roxas: No... I didn't-- never mind.
Xigbar, Xion and Axel walk off. Saïx says they can handle their mission, and Roxas should just hurry up and see to his own. Saïx is meaaaan. )': I WANNA DO TRADESIES.
Mission: Eliminate Six Giant Heartless in Twilight Town. I am so fuuuuuuuuucked.
Meanwhile, in Wonderland, Xigbar is hit with something. "Ha ha! Talk about a blast from the past." ... He's hit by Xion, apparently, who's hooded completely right now. Ruh-roh. ):
Axel: Cut it out, Xion! Xigbar: Of all the faces... Why do I look at her and see yours?
... It's... Ven? What? Ven? WHAT??? WHAAAT?????? XIGBAR SEES VEEEEEEN?
Xigbar: Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?
Xion: Shut up! She hits him, and Xigbar is KO'd. She opens a portal. Xion: Axel, I'm sorry. Axel: Have you flipped your lid? Xion: Please... let me go. I have to do this, or else-- Look. (She unhoods... but we can't see) Axel: What the-- Xion: (she hoods back) Please, Axel. You have to take care of Roxas. Axel: But how are you... gonna... Xion: Please! Axel: [...nods] Xion: Thank you. [she runs into the portal] Axel stares at Xigbar's prone form.
Roxas portals into Twilight Town. "Just me and the heartless today. Well... Better get it done."
I'm seriously going to cry AS I PLAY I hate you Square. Overall, the six heartless are pretty easy. I RTC, and Roxas stares at the portal, wondering if Xion and the others are back yet. He walks through. ... If you only kneeeew.
Saïx: Explain yourself, Axel. Axel: I didn't let her go. The old man needs to get his eyes checked. Anyway, she wasn't taking no for an answer. ('Eyes'? Try 'eye', Axel.) Xigbar: I'll give him that. Can't toss the blame around when I couldn't stop her either.
Roxas decides this is the perfect time to walk into a conversation! Saïx: And now we're left with the one we can't use... [leaves] Roxas: What was that all about? Where's Xion? Xigbar: She flew the coop. Flamesilocks here couldn't trouble himself to clip her wings.
... FLAMESILOCKS??? fjkfjkfdfjkdfjkdjkdkjgkfgd
Roxas stares at Axel. Axel dots. Roxas: Axel, he's kidding, right? Axel: ...... Xigbar: As if. Your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Xion walked right off. ... I'm going back to my room.
mental image... so disturbing...
Roxas: What happened out there? Axel: Look, nothing. Roxas: Xion's gone! How is that nothing?
Axel: It's just like Xigbar said. I couldn't stop her from going. Roxas: Don't give me that! Why not? Axel: [crosses his arms] Roxas... Xion is like a mirror that reflects you. Roxas: What? Axel: The Organization made her to duplicate your powers. She's a puppet. Roxas: Have you gone nuts? Xion's a person, not a puppet.
Actually she's a replica passing as a nobody who pass as people, but.
Axel: She's smoke and mirrors, Roxas. And when I looked in the mirror... It wasn't you I saw. Roxas: I don't know what you're talking about, but Xion is Xion. You can't expect her to be me. Axel: [shakes his head] That's not what I mean, Roxas. It was only a matter of time before somebody had to break the mirror. Roxas: You mean destroy her.
Axel: [looks away] Roxas: Answer me! Axel: Roxas, if somebody doesn't, you'll... You won't be you anymore. Roxas: I'll always be me! Your best friend-- just like Xion! Axel: [shakes his head] Roxas, you're... you're not seeing the bigger picture. Any of it. Roxas: Ugh, forget this. Axel: Roxas! [he runs off] Why can't you understand...
Flash to Xion in Beast's castle. HELLO RIKU. HELLO RIKU'S THEME. He asks her if she found the right answer. She smiles and says yes. "I'm on the verge of losing everything I ever cared about. I can't let that happen. Tell me what I need to do." "Go to Twilight Town. You'll find a girl there by the name of Naminé." "Naminé? What's she like?" "You'll find out. I don't think you'll have much trouble tracking her down." "All right. Thanks, Riku. [she turns around] Good-bye..." She runs off.
I cry a little more.
Day 354: Truth.
MEETING ROOM. O hey Demyx long time no see.
Xemnas: Xion has vanished again. Xaldin: Do we know where she is? Xemnas: "It," not "she." Xion is just a replica... a puppet. Luxord: Puppet? Someone made her? Saïx: Puppets generally don't make themselves.
Durrhurr, Luxord.
Xigbar: The Replica Program was one of our little pet projects. Demyx: Replica whatza? Xaldin: Perhaps you'd care to enlighten us about this "pet project." Xemnas: The goal was to duplicate the Keyblade wielder's memories, and through them, his powers-- thus making them our own. Vexen oversaw the project at Castle Oblivion. However, our efforts were severely derailed by his unexpected demise.
(Somewhere in his mind, Axel whistles innocently.)
Xemnas: And this particular Replica-- the one we called Xion-- came to form an identity of her own. Saïx: That caught us off guard. If anything like that happened before, no one at C.O. ever reported it.
(... [looks at the Riku Replica] errr...)
Saïx: Did they, Axel? Axel: ...... (YEAH YOU STAY SUSPICIOUSLY SILENT) Xemnas: Fortunately, the puppet has no means of dashing our plans now, even if she has learned to pull her own strings. Still, she knows our secrets. We need to shorten her leash... And perhaps tighten it. Roxas: You don't mean-- Xemnas: Axel. Seeing as how she escaped on your watch, the onus is on you to capture her and return her here. I am willing to overlook any nicks or scratches. Just ensure she still functions on arrival.
Xaldin: Why you would allow a deserter back under our roof... She should be eradicated! Saïx: "Deserter" is hardly the term for a broken specimen who wandered out from under the microscope. Xemnas: Axel, you have your orders. Dismissed. [portals out] Xaldin: [GROWLS FJKJKSJKDS lol] Bring her back? It's sheer madness... [portals out] Demyx: All this time, I've been talking to a puppet... Intense. [portals out] Xigbar: So now we just sweep it all up? Heh... As if. [po-- oh you get the idea] Luxord: If only the whispers at the top carried to the bottom rung... [poof.] Saïx: Axel. Those orders were absolute. Axel: ...... [poofs.] Saïx: Still here, Roxas? Proceed with your mission. Roxas: [shakes head] Xion is one of us. Saïx: A puppet, one of us? Don't be absurd. Count the seats. When have we ever been more than thirteen? [poofs]
And this is where why Xion is never mentioned as a member again works, innit? ):
Axel in the hallway opens a portal. Just as he's about to enter-- Roxas: Axel! [walks to him] I don't think Xion's safe here anymore. You're not really gonna do what Xemnas says? Axel: I have to, or else I'm not safe here either. Roxas: Well... could you at least try not to hurt her this time? Axel: That's up to her. Roxas... Xion is dangerous. Roxas: Dangerous how? Axel: Have you got all your strength back? Roxas: Not yet... Axel: [shakes his head] Roxas: How long have you known about her? Axel: ..... Roxas: You knew all this time, and kept it from me? Axel: ...... [walks in the portal]
In the lounge room, Xaldin gives you a Luck Tech for synthetizing some shit for him. 8< Demyx says he'd never have guessed about Xion. Since Demyx is dumb, no one is surprised. Luxord gives you Rune Tech++ because him and Roxas are at the bottom of the food chain. ): Saïx tells us that today's mission is a special project. O boy...
Mission: Place a device we provide you with in the lamp chamber of Agrabah. Hmm? That the device they were talking about earlier...? Well, whatever, Roxas plants the device. It... looks ridiculous. Roxas doesn't even know what the hell that thing does! AWESOME. A bunch of heartless are summoned once the device is placed, though. Beat 'em up. After the fight, Roxas is tired. And then asks himself why the hell he even cared if they took out the device. Especially since he doesn't know what the Org uses it for. "Everything's a mystery. They didn't even tell me about Xion. Hmph, the biggest mystery is me-- the idiot who keeps doing everything he's told."
Roxaaas ): Also what is that device for I WONDER!!1 ... If you feel up to it, there is an Invisible hiding somewhere in the cave with the stupid box puzzle. I DO NOT, THOUGH, SO. Moooving oon. RTC-- or not!
Roxas wonders why he's doing this, why he's returning back to the castle. "There's nothing there for me. How can I keep working for them if they're gonna leave me in the dark? What am I saying... This isn't about them, or Xion. It's about me. Whatever "me" is. [looks at the stars] I feel like I'm the only person who doesn't know. Have I got anything left? Any place I really belong? [looks down] Any friends... I still belong with? [he wipes his eyes and hoods himself before portaling out]"
;o; uwaaah.
MEANWHILE, IN THE WOODS. 3D! Mickey! and Ansem!Riku... who turns back into Riku. o/ Mickey's name on the little sprite thing is 'The King' fufu.
"Riku?" "Your majesty."
"Gosh, have I been worried about you! Where've you been all this time?" "Searching, for a way to conquer the darkness within me-- while we wait for Sora to awaken." "For a second there, you looked just like... well, you know..."
Yes, Ansem's name is awkward.
"You don't have to worry. I'm getting the hang of keeping the darkness under control." "That's great to hear. But, you said that Sora hasn't woken up yet... Did something go wrong?" "There's a reason the Organization has been quiet since our battle at Castle Oblivion-- and it's not because we weakened their numbers. What they did to Sora back there-- the point wasn't just to take his memory apart. They went out of their way to make it hard to put back together." "Gosh, I guess that explains things. It's almost like they're trying to buy some time..." "Exactly. They want Sora's memories... which means Naminé isn't the only one picking up the pieces. And as long as they've got their hands on Sora's most precious memories-- the ones of Kairi-- I don't think Sora will recover."
Awww you're important too, Riku. ):
"Well, then you have to let me help! Maybe I could get the memories back!" "I've got that covered, Your Maj-- I mean, Mickey. Maybe you could do me a favor, though." "Sure. Just tell me what you need." "I have to face one of the Organization's members soon. I might not survive the fight. And if I do, it might only be because I gave in to the darkness. That means you're the only one who will be there for Sora, Donald and Goofy-- the only one who can guide them when they awaken." "Don't say that, Riku." "Promise me, Mickey. You have to be there for our friends." "Of course, Riku. I promise."
The scene ends! And BUYING SOME TIME sobsobsob just D:! Is that the promise Mickey said he'd made to Riku in KH2, though? Huh.
End Part 5 jesus christ.