I dunno what to do about eveyrthing else, but I think I still have some books about parakeets. if I do, and I can find them, i'll give em to you. yours is young enough to grow up to be friendly and cuddly...probably even to talk, if you think that would be fun and not annoying as hell.
Yea thanks... I would like those books. I would be at your game right now, but I just got off work and have no ride... RUN A REGULAR GAME... or at least do another one shot. Anyway, I have offered her treats of fruit and whatnot. I talk to her close to her cage everyday, and I always change her food and water... So at least she knows I am not going to hurt her. But before I just chased her around and tried to catch her. So I guess that first method scared her away from me. Anyway, miss you!
Comments 2
I dunno what to do about eveyrthing else, but I think I still have some books about parakeets. if I do, and I can find them, i'll give em to you. yours is young enough to grow up to be friendly and cuddly...probably even to talk, if you think that would be fun and not annoying as hell.
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