How Did I Do On My 2024 Bookish Goals?

Dec 27, 2024 19:55

As we're fast-approaching the end of this year, I thought it would be fun to reflect on these as I prepare to make a new set. The more expanded version can be viewed in the original post.

1. Keep a running record of the books I buy
Result: PASS...technically

It did not, in the slightest, curb either my spending or the amount of books I acquired, which both increased from last year, even though this was the intent of the goal. But at least I have the data? :\

2. Round up & take a photo of all the books I bought this year.
Result: FAILED

Tons of books still live in bags and and it's just so much effort to uncover and then vacuum out just in case a spider slipped in, just to retrieve the books. Let alone clearing the space and finding the lighting needed to take a picture without full darkness or 750 clutter objects in the frame.

3. Sell/donate at least 50 books.

I don't have an exact total because when I did bother to keep track, it was always mixed in with extra books I picked up in bag sales for the express purpose of resale. But I definitely did take more than 50 books out the door, and I think it included at least 50 that I bought before 2024 or bought this year intending to keep until I read them.

4. Keep track of the books I DNF. Also the books I read but deem Too Short to count on my official reading list.
Result: SUCCESS.

They are mostly only accessible on LJ for practical purposes, but I do add Too Short ones to Goodreads, just not in a trackable-by-year-or-special-tag way.

5. Go book-shopping in Wisconsin.
Result: SUCCESS.

I went to two different stores in two different towns. One was very small and not even that fun to browse; the other was perfectly delightful, even though I found nothing I wanted. More importantly, it got me to visit two beautiful towns I've either never been to, or only been to once and briefly for a book sale. And in one of the towns, I may not have bought anything from the stores, but I did find like 20 Little Free Libraries AND traded out for half a dozen books I took home with me.

6. Read at least 24 books I bought prior to 2024 and haven’t read. (Mount TBR Challenge)
Result: SUCCESS.

I read over forty!! 42 to be precise, which is kind of funny.

7. Knock at least 40 books off my official Goodreads TBR.
Result: SUCCESS.

Technically speaking, anyway...the total number did still go up, but I started the year with 248 on this list, and I'm ending it with 197 added before 2024.

8. Pick out a bookish gift (or two) I genuinely want for my birthday.
Result: FAILED.

I'm pretty sure I bought myself a bookish present like six weeks before my birthday, too. But come time to tell people what I wanted... *emoji shrug*

9. Empty my bookshelves & dust/clean them off.

I did one of the shelves top to bottom plus 75% of another... then I ran out of steam with 1 shelf on the second one, 1 regular sized bookshelf and 1 mini one to go.

10. Read at least one book that's been on my TBR for a while that I think I will LOVE.
Result: SUCCESS. I definitely read at least one I can think of off the top of my head! (In Another Time by Caroline Leech, on there for 5 years, 5 stars)

Overall... well, I succeeded at the important ones! I'd call this year a pretty good one.

year in review

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