© - copyright
® - registered trademark
™ - trademark
℃ - Celsius
№ - numero symbol - number sign
☀ - sunshine - sun
☁ - cloudy - cloud - dark cloud
☂ - raining - rain - umbrella
★ - star solid
☆ - star outline
☎ - phone
☠ - skull & crossbones
☢ - radioactive sign
☮ - peace sign
☯ - yin & yang
☺ - smiley face
☻ - black smiley face
☚ - left-pointing index finger
☞ - right pointing index finger
♥ - black heart
♫ - musical single bar note
✄ - scissors
✈ - airport jet airplane
✏ - pencil
✞ - Latin Cross 3D shadow
✡ - Star of David
For a full list of MSN symbols, check out
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Symbols characters
Here’s a big list of symbols characters and alt codes for finding special characters for using in your chat programs, MSN, Facebook chat, Skype, Myspace etc. You can use symbols characters to send emotions to your friends, or to help you in microsoft word documents! You can also use these symbols characters on a mac. There are so many symbols you can use as characters…
Symbols characters
§ - section
© - copyright
® - registered trademark
™ - trademark
° - degree - e.g. 90°
¹ - superscript 1
² - superscript 2
³ - superscript 3
¢ - cents
£ - pounds
¥ - yen
€ - euros sign
· - middle dot
¸ - spacing cedilla
¿ - upside down question mark
× - multiply
÷ - division
More symbols and characters…
• - bullet = black small circle
◊ - lozenge
℠ - Service Mark
℃ - Celsius
℅ - care of
℉ - Farenheit
№ - numero symbol - number sign
¼ - fraction 1/4
½ - fraction 1/2
¾ - fraction 3/4
℗ - Sound Recording Copyright
℞ - Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbol
Ω - Ohm
℧ - Inverted Ohm
More character symbols….
☀ - sunshine - sun
☁ - cloudy - cloud - dark cloud
☂ - raining - rain - umbrella
☃ - snow - snowman
☄ - shooting star
★ - star solid
☆ - star outline
☇ - lightning
☈ - thunderstorm
☉ - sun
☊ - ascending node
☋ - descending node
☌ - conjunction
More alt characters symbols…
☍ - opposition
☐ - check box
☒ - ballot box with X
☑ - check box check mark
☎ - phone
☏ - phone symbol outline
☓ - St. Andrew’s Cross
☠ - skull & crossbones
☡ - caution sign
☢ - radioactive sign
☣ - biohazard sign
☮ - peace sign
☯ - yin & yang
☹ - frowning face
☺ - smiley face
☻ - black smiley face
☽ - crescent moon
☾ - crescent moon
♈ - Aries
♉ - Taurus
♊ - Gemini
♋ - Cancer
♌ - Leo
♍ - Virgo
♎ - Libra
♏ - Scorpio
♐ - Sagitarius
♑ - Capricorn
♒ - Aquarius
♓ - Pisces
☚ - left-pointing index finger
☛ - right-pointing index finger
☜ - left-pointing index finger
☝ - up pointing index finger
☞ - right pointing index finger
☟ - down pointing index finger
More symbols characters…
♔ - White King
♕ - White Queen
♖ - White Rook
♗ - White Bishop
♘ - White Knight
♙ - White Pawn
♚ - Black King
♛ - Black Queen
♜ - Black Rook
♝ - Black Bishop
♞ - Black Knight
♟ - Black Pawn
♠ - black spade suit
♢ - red diamond suit
♣ - black club suit = shamrock
♤ - red spade suit
♥ - black heart suit = valentine
♦ - black diamond suit
♧ - red club suit
♨ - hot springs
♩ - musical quarter note
♪ - musical eighth note
♫ - musical single bar note
♬ - musical double bar note
♭ - flat note
♮ - natural note
♯ - sharp note
More characters symbols…
✁ - cut above
✂ - cut here
✃ - cut below
✄ - scissors
✆ - public pay phone
✇ - film reel - tape spool
✈ - airport jet airplane
✉ - envelope mail email
✌ - victory sign
✍ - signature - sign here
✎ - pencil diagonal down
✏ - pencil
✐ - pencil diagonal up
✝ - Latin Roman Cross
✞ - Latin Cross 3D shadow
✟ - Latin Cross outline
✠ - Maltese Cross
✡ - Star of David
❛ - quotation mark single turned comma
❜ - quotation mark single comma
❝ - quotation mark double turned comma
❞ - quotation mark double comma
✓ - check mark
✔ - heavy check mark
✕ - multiplication sign X
✖ - heavy multiplication sign X
✗ - ballot X
✘ - heavy ballot X
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Astrology horoscope chat symbols
I found loads of astrology and horoscope symbols to use in chat and status updates. Twitter, Facebook, MSN, AIM, Myspace…you can use any of these symbols and characters to put astrology and horoscope symbols into your chats!
Astrology horoscope chat symbols
♈ - Aries
♉ - Taurus
♊ - Gemini
♋ - Cancer
♌ - Leo
♍ - Virgo
♎ - Libra
♏ - Scorpio
♐ - Sagitarius
♑ - Capricorn
♒ - Aquarius
♓ - Pisces
There are loads of astrological signs, emoticons and characters - you can use them now!
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How to make chat symbols on a mac
Most people searching for chat symbols on a mac have problems when trying to do emoticons and symbols. Mac symbols want to know how to make chat symbols, but have issues because they can not use character map or sometimes can not copy and paste.
The way to get chat symbols on an apple mac is to press the Option key and then another key (at the same time). This is similar to using the alt key (how to alt) on a PC.
So here is the list of chat symbols on a mac:
How to make chat symbols on a mac
Option key + ` = `
Option key + 1 = ¡
Option key + 2 = €
Option key + 3 = #
Option key + 4 = ¢
Option key + 5 = ∞
Option key + 6 = §
Option key + 7 = ¶
Option key + 8 = •
Option key + 9 = ª
Option key + 0 = º
Option key + - = -
Option key + = = ≠
Option key + q = œ
Option key + w = ∑
Option key + e = ´
Option key + r = ®
Option key + t = †
Option key + y = ¥
Option key + u = ¨
Option key + i = ˆ
Option key + o = ø
Option key + p = π
Option key + [ = “
Option key + ] = ‘
Option key + \ = «
Option key + a = å
Option key + s = ß
Option key + d = ∂
Option key + f = ƒ
Option key + g = ©
Option key + h = ˙
Option key + j = ∆
Option key + k = ˚
Option key + l = ¬
Option key + ; = …
Option key + ‘ = æ
Option key + z = Ω
Option key + x = ≈
Option key + c = ç
Option key + v = √
Option key + b = ∫
Option key + n = ˜
Option key + m = µ
Option key + , = ≤
Option key + . = ≥
Option key + / = ÷
Symbols With the “Option / ALT” and “Shift” Keys Pressed
Option key, Shift key, and ` = `
Option key, Shift key, and 1 = ⁄
Option key, Shift key, and 2 = ™
Option key, Shift key, and 3 = ‹
Option key, Shift key, and 4 = ›
Option key, Shift key, and 5 = fi
Option key, Shift key, and 6 = fl
Option key, Shift key, and 7 = ‡
Option key, Shift key, and 8 = °
Option key, Shift key, and 9 = ·
Option key, Shift key, and 0 = ‚
Option key, Shift key, and - = -
Option key, Shift key, and = = ±
Option key, Shift key, and q = Œ
Option key, Shift key, and w = „
Option key, Shift key, and e = ´
Option key, Shift key, and r = ‰
Option key, Shift key, and t = ˇ
Option key, Shift key, and y = Á
Option key, Shift key, and u = ¨
Option key, Shift key, and i = ˆ
Option key, Shift key, and o = Ø
Option key, Shift key, and p = ∏
Option key, Shift key, and [ = ”
Option key, Shift key, and ] = ’
Option key, Shift key, and \ = »
Option key, Shift key, and a = Å
Option key, Shift key, and s = Í
Option key, Shift key, and d = Î
Option key, Shift key, and f = Ï
Option key, Shift key, and g = ˝
Option key, Shift key, and h = Ó
Option key, Shift key, and j = Ô
Option key, Shift key, and k =
Option key, Shift key, and l = Ò
Option key, Shift key, and ; = Ú
Option key, Shift key, and ‘ = Æ
Option key, Shift key, and z = ¸
Option key, Shift key, and x = ˛
Option key, Shift key, and c = Ç
Option key, Shift key, and v = ◊
Option key, Shift key, and b = ı
Option key, Shift key, and n = ˜
Option key, Shift key, and m = Â
Option key, Shift key, and , = ¯
Option key, Shift key, and . = ˘
Option key, Shift key, and / = ¿
So now you know how to make chat symbols on a mac!
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Music symbol character
There are many music symbol characters! Here is how to do music symbol characters! Some people like to put these music symbols into their MSN, Facebook names, Myspace or other chat programs (Gchat or google mail or hotmail) - now you can too! There are 7 music symbol characters!
Music symbol character
♬ - musical double bar note symbol character
♫ - musical single bar note symbol character
♪ - musical eighth note symbol character
♩ - musical quarter note symbol character
♭ - flat note symbol character
♮ - natural note symbol character
♯ - sharp note symbol character
You can copy them from this page into your chat box or status and use them right now!
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Chess symbols and emoticons
Have you seen the chess symbol emoticons that you can use on MSN, Facebook, Gchat, Gmail? These symbols are chess pieces (both white and black chess symbols). You can also use the chess emoticons or chess smileys when you’re writing in skype chat, yahoo chat or AIM. Here they are:
Chess symbols and emoticons
♙ - White Pawn
♖ - White Rook
♗ - White Bishop
♘ - White Knight
♕ - White Queen
♔ - White King
Chess piece symbols
♟ - Black Pawn
♛ - Black Queen
♜ - Black Rook
♝ - Black Bishop
♞ - Black Knight
♚ - Black King
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Weather symbols emoticons
Some people like to add weather symbols to their Facebook messages, MSN status or Myspace page (as well as Gtalk, google chat etc) - well here is a full list of weather symbols and weather alt symbols for you to use:
Weather symbols
☀ - sunshine - sun
☁ - cloudy - cloud - dark cloud
☂ - raining - rain - umbrella
☃ - snow - snowman
☄ - shooting star
★ - star solid
☆ - star outline
☇ - lightning
☈ - thunderstorm
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How to alt
Some people don’t know how to alt - to create special alt symbols and alt characters with your keyboard. Well it’s simple:
How to alt
Basically, you press the ‘alt’ key and then type a number code on the numeric keypad (the number pad on the right hand side of the keyboard). If you’re on a laptop, you have to press ‘NumLk’ (Number Lock) first.
So, how to alt is pretty easy - the problem is, which special characters and alt codes are there? Here are a few alt codes:
Hold ‘alt’ then press 1 - ☺
Hold ‘alt’ then press 2 - ☻
Hold ‘alt’ then press 3 - ♥
Hold ‘alt’ then press 4 - ♦
Hold ‘alt’ then press 5 - ♣
Hold ‘alt’ then press 6 - ♠
Hold ‘alt’ then press 7 - •
Hold ‘alt’ then press 8 - ◘
Hold ‘alt’ then press 9 - ○
Hold ‘alt’ then press 10 - ◙
Hold ‘alt’ then press 11 - ♂
Hold ‘alt’ then press 12 - ♀
Hold ‘alt’ then press 13 - ♪
Hold ‘alt’ then press 14 - ♫
Hold ‘alt’ then press 15 - ☼
Hold ‘alt’ then press 16 - ►
Hold ‘alt’ then press 17 - ◄
Hold ‘alt’ then press 18 - ↕
Hold ‘alt’ then press 19 - ‼ (it’s one character!)
Hold ‘alt’ then press 20 - ¶
Enjoy these alt codes and special characters!