One month, still alive and well

Oct 14, 2009 22:40

hi people. its been one month already. getting colder here everyday. besides living on really unhealthy food, i think we are okay..

and as promised.....picspam post once again

and once no particular order cause i tend to mess up the order of the picsz.

we finally found that MAGIC GAME/COMMOM ROOM at the basement of our accomodation. they havent put in the Wii and PS3 in there yet i think...but its a pretty cozy place

nice ehh? i wished they had a internet cable port there so we can use the internet downstairs..but they dont. =(. still a really nice place.

some images of the surroundings

hot air balloons outside my window. they were pretty close this time

and we were outside one day to finish an assignment...and found some random things

the one winged fly. DUNDUNDUN *insert sephiroth's theme here*

i mentioned earlier about the deerfarm near my campus..

they are pretty close that we managed to get pics

then as pictures....

THIS. WE WORSHIP THE PERSON WHO CREATED THIS. LIFE SAVER. instant soup, loveliest things in the world. when we want soemthing warm and fast for dinner. <3. by the time i come back, i will have collected enough of these instant soup boxes to make a model of the twin towers in UK.

this is the *somewhat* tasteless pasta ive been surviving on for quite a while. Its 1.30 pounds, and usually it lasts me two meals. when megu heard that i was still eating this a few days back, she told me to go out and eat proper food. swt

mai peaches. sort of dissapointing cause two of them were badly bruised and almost rotten.=(. but it wasnt too bad

my shepard's pie. looks gross but its pretty good. from the campus cafeteria.

and stick's sasauge and potatoes....taste about the same as mine.

people here seem to like their fish and chips a lot. we had one meal with fish and chips from the cafeteria as well..but i didnt take pictures

then there was that one cure our emo ness of the lack of people chatting with us online and to treat ourself for being the most stingy people on the planet since we came...we decided to drop by Yo Sushi for a meal..our first meal at an actual restaurant since we came.

chicken curry katsu i ordered

and chicken fried rice stick took.

we got a few more things like edamame,and stick got some sushi and chicken katsu...
the edamame was cold. T_______T.and it tasted weird. and the meal costs 14 pounds for 2 of us. it was painful.

thats all for the food department...

i always say how pretty the sunsets here are..
so here are some picture proof

theres a shooting star in this one...can u see it? can you??*__*

close up~

but of course its not a real shooting star, just one of those roket things in the sky with the sunset behind it

i almost forgot..

we visited st mary redcliff's church. its damn pretty. *___*
cant get over how pretty it is...

they supposedly have the most epic pipe organ in the whole of england...but it was still under maintenance when we didnt get to take a picture of it. Next time i guess. This place is just a busride away from our accomodation anyway

Thats all for now. London expo is in 2 weeks. I guess my next update will be after that lol since we are pretty busy these two weeks with random tasks we were asked to do.
until then~
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