Title: Afraid for Love to Fade
Pairing: Park Yoochun/OC
Rating: G
Summary: Yoochun has a crush on his classmate but unfortumately he gets tongue tied just looking at her. Will he be able to tell her his feelings?
A/N: An idea I got from listening to Jose Mari Chan's Afraid for Love to Fade thus the title. I hope you like it! Please comment
“Uh….you’re…uhm…no…ahh…I mean…uh…bye.” )
Comments 6
I like this soulmate though I keep on picturing Sunako as the girl here, well, Aya-chan did do a BeeTV drama with Chunnie so...haha! I'm blabbering away here.
A good pick up line? I dunno...more like I can't think of any...
I was thinking that the girl wrote something along the lines of "Meet me at the coffee shop across the school. Don't run away from me this time. Araso?"
Aish...*racking my brain* *blank*
Yes, I'm as worse as Junsu. xDDD Though I like ate bing's suggestion /points up.
Simple but sweet. And it's adorable that yoochun runs away like that^^
Happy birthday to him! (which makes it obvious that I didn't read this on time >.< /fail)
Oh no wait, he's not... Kinda. Yeah, kinda. HAHAHAHHAHA
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