random questionsName?:Jenny Birthday?:March 18 Sex?:Female What color are your toenails?:Red (w00t commencement) What's your favorite color?:White & Blue What are you listening to right now?:sound of my keyboard Have you ever been to New Hampshire?:Nope What are the last for numbers in your phone number?:8498 Spell your middle name backwards.:Eijij Have you ever illegally downloaded music?:Haha 9__9;; Take the nearest book, turn to page 54. What is the last full sentence?:Find the train's displacement in miles between t=0 and t=200s What is your favorite word?:Dream Favorite band?:Not sure Do you like hairy backs? (on the opposite sex):ew. o_o Are you really bored enought to do this survey?:Yeah.. physics is boring How many cds do you have?:100+ all burnt :D Do you like The Beatles?:Some of their songs What's your screen name?:Rain How many cousins do you have on your dad's side?:4 What's the weather outside right now?:Autumn Do you have any paintings in your house?:Some painting by somebody I don't know Is it cold in your house right now?:Not really, but not warm either What color is your bedroom?:I don't have my own bedroom. u__u Who do you live with?:Parents and grandparents What are your initials?:JJW Is there a fire extinguisher in your house?:Nope (dude, unsafe enviroment) What time is it right now?:1:58 am What will you be doing in three hours?:Sleeping, hopefully Are you a virgin?:-___- next question Do you like birds?:Yah Do you know your blood type?:B.. I think.. Have you ever heard a Fear Before The March Of Flames song?:nope Do you shop at Wal-mart?:Yeah.. and return it after I'm done with the whatever item. :D List your 5 favorite bands.:FIR, SHE, Linkin Park, Simple Plan... I don't know that many bands xD How many pieces of furniture are in the room you are in?:10 What room are you in?:Living room Are there any lights on?:My desk lamp Do you do drugs?:"I said no to drugs, but they won't listen!" (no) What is your mom's name?:Grace Have you ever had a stalker?:Haha... +counts fingers+ Think of another question and type it here.:What do I want? Tell me a joke.:Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've forgotten this before. Do you have any deep dark secrets?:+looks away+ Do you enjoy pornography?:Ew. Enough popups about them already. What is your religion?:Atheism Do you have a livejournal?:Gee iono.. where are you reading this from? o__O Guess how many more questions there are without counting.:10? Do you paint your fingernails?:I paint them transparent.. does that count? If yes, what colors?:.. oh well, transparent. xD Where do you wish you were right now?:In bed... knowing all my physics stuff -o- Which one of your friends has the worst parents?:My friends have great parents :D What's your biggest fear?:Doing the wrong thing and hurting people Have you ever written a poem/song for someone?:For me? :D Do you believe in fate?:Yeah.. kind of.. girly stuff Would you ever want to meet me?:Who the hell are you o_O Do you wear eyeliner?:nope... don't want panda eyes :D Are you named after anyone?:Eh.. I don't think so... my name is too common anyways. haha What are two things that turn you on in the opposite sex?:o_o iono Do you have anything you should tell some one?:Whatever I should, I probably already told. Do you play any instruments?:Piano, violin, harmonica, recorder Are you a good singer?:I've received comments from both sides. ha -_- What is your favorite smell?:Fresh air Have you ever had any major surgery?:retainer...? 8D?! What time is it now?:2:07 am
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