Does your father approve of you dating?
Ummm. I don't think he really liked the last guy. XD But he probably wouldn't care if I dated as long as the person didn't hurt me.
How many people have you completely fallen for?
:\ Ummm. No one, really.
When did you and what made you last cry?
Um. I don't remember, but it was probably when I was feeling very, very self-hating. :\
Do you want to see someone this very minute?
Yah. =D All my buddies.
What are you sick of?
Umm. Being bored. :\
Have you ever made anyone cry?
My little sisters. Kukukuku.
*evil laugh*
If you could change something what would it be?
Um. Have Natalie and Linda in more of my classes...
And I would like mind-reading abilities. =D
When was the last time you saw the second person on your top?
Ummm. *forgets who her people are*
Is there anyone who doesn't like you?
I think so. :\
Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
Um. I regretted walking away from Alexis in seventh grade. D=
Do you miss anyone?
Yesss. ;_;
What's more romantic sunrise or sunset?
...are there Asians? =D
Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an B or N or A?
"A" for Ashley! =D That's right, I kiss myself. *chu* to me. >w<
Do you know what you want in life?
Sometimes. (*cough*Ohayocon*cough*)
Are you stubborn?
XD Yes. Sometimes.
Ever kissed your number 5 on myspace?
*thinks* Um. I don't remember who that is, but I hope I have. =D
Does anything hurt on your body?
Not really. O_o
Who was the last person you said "i love you" to & really meant it? friends and family...I hope? O_O
Do you shop at Wet Seal?
Nah. Usually don't have money on me. O_O
Do you like the song 'I Kissed A Girl' by Katy Perry?
Yah. XD Mainly for the beat and fun lyrics.
That girl has got some nice legs. O_O
Just throwing it out there.
Do you listen to your friend's advice when they give it to you?
Um... I don't usually ask for advice. XD
What kind of dog do you want?
A cute one. O_O
Do you currently have a sunburn?
Nope. But I might have a computer screen burn. XD
Could you eat nothing but grilled cheese for a week straight?
Um. No. But I could do that with pizza. =D
Do you like the perfume 'Love Spell' from Victoria's Secret?
Never smelled it. O_O
Who's your favorite country singer?
I usually hate country, but I like Johnny Cash and Taylor Swift, as well as a little bit of Carrie Underwood.
What do you wash first in the shower?
Um. I just do whatever. XD
Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with?
Are more of your friends parents divorced or still married?
Um. Married...I think... O_O I think it's a tie. O_O
What's the longest amount of time you've been hospitalized?
Um. IDK, really. I had a surgery when I was a baby. O_O
What do you think of girls sixteen and younger going on birth control?
Honestly, I don't care what you do.
Who is your last missed call?
Probably my mom. No one else calls me. ;_;
Is there anybody that you trust 100%?
Not really. :/ I trust people with different things.
What did you do last night?
...slept. XD
Who was the last person that left you a comment?
...*shrug* I forget now. It happens so rarely. XD
What is your background on your phone?
Balloons. =D
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
Yeh. O_o
What are you listening to right now?
There for Tomorrow - Pages
Do you bump into someone's arm if you want to hold their hand?
I throw them to the ground and rape them. >=D!
Do you like to cuddle?
It's fun. >w<
What was the last thing you took a picture of?
My maid figurines. XD
Do you think it's bad to have sex at your age?
Yeah. You probably shouldn't do it, but it's not like I'm going to stop anyone from doing it. I guess I could always burst into every sixteen-year-old's house with a stop sign and whistle. *shrug*
Ever fail a class?
Nope. >w<
Are you wearing socks?
Ewww. I hate socks. o=
Last movie you watched?
Some movie about a Mexican lady who randomly starts talking in Spanish and was trying to get her kidnapped baby back.
"Do you believe me?"
That's annoying.
Do you shower facing the shower head or with your back to it?
I shower with my side facing it. 8D
How many windows are open on your computer?
Are you sarcastic?
Pfft, of courrrse not.
Where did you sleep last night?
Next to your mom. o= (Oh no she did-nt!)
Who is your number one on myspace and why?
'Cause she saves me from the dingos.
How is your room looking?
Are you dating the last person you kissed?
86 > 09.
Your best friend dies, what do you do?
...I don't even want to think about it. O_O I would be pretty close to suicide.
Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member on the phone?
Um. No...? O_o
Mountains or Beach?
Alaska. =D
Who was the last friend you talked to?
Talking to Allison right now.
When is the last time that you threw up?
...7th...? I think.
What color is the shirt you are wearing?
White with black words/pictures/babies.
Where is your heart at?
*snerk* Kelly Clarkson.
Did you speak to your mother today?
Do you live near your best friend(s)?
Um. She's(they're) a little far.
How old will you be in 3 birthdays?
Will you be married by then?
Um. Doubtful. XD
What states have you been to?
Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Georgia, Florida, New York. CANADA. (Oops. Forgot that one didn't exist.)
Did you date someone last summer?
Do you wear the seatbelt in the car?
Yes. Anyone who gets in my car has to. I ENFORCE IT. >:O
Have you ever made out in the backseat of a car?
I've made out with the backseat of my car. =D
How was last night?
Same old, same old. Just with a couple more radioactive spiders. ^_~
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to on the phone?
O_O Um.
My dad.
Have you been outside today?
Unfortunately. :\