Title - {Theta'Amor}
Characters - Nine/Rose
Summary - Months after Rose was left in a parallel universe with her mum and dad, Rose has finally in some capacity moved on from the Doctor. Now, as the winter months roll into the British countryside where her new home resides, Rose and her family celebrate their first Christmas and New Years together.
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Comments 2
He had learned that yes, he was deeply in love with Rose Tyler on various levels of intimacy. Whether it be as her travelling companion, her lover, her best friend, her soulmate. Although, what he had with Rose went beyond conventional titles and the like, and he liked that the lines blended together like that. That his relationship with Rose wasn't boxed into any specific categories and how thrilled he was to be taking the rocky and messy road through life holding hands with her. To be back in her orbit was so comforting and so soothing that he felt as if time itself was cradling him in this effervescant glow. And for the first time in a long while he felt like he deserved it, that his happiness didn't come with a price. You know Sarah Jane would be ( ... )
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