is it so wrong to want to be loved? i have been pondering that question, as i watch all these couples that seem so happy together-jared and becca, who celebrated their two year anniversary about a week ago, kristen and evan, ryan and jen. i mean im sure they all have their problems from time to time, but still, that great happiness that comes with love is so pure, one can't help but desire it. and so i have come to the conclusion that no, it's not wrong to want to be loved, to desire that feeling and to want someone to hold your hand and hold you close, what's wrong is when you sit on your ass moping about it and doing nothing when you could be going for someone you think you could have that connection with, or be out in the world meeting new people and maybe making steps towards having that feeling...
alright, enough are pics and such of what i bought:
^black zip-up jacket thing. i <3's it
^same shirt, two colors.
^green! color-ness
^of course, had to buy at least one black shirt :)
^red tshirt
^defintely cutting the flower off, but other than that, i like it
^yes, that is a bright pink, kneelength skirt..for those of you who know that i hardly wear pink, or kneelength skirts, and can't believe i actually bought this, i will indeed be wearing it to school tomorrow...and there you can feint when you see it in person lol
^yay for shoes
^same shoe, just not on my feet
^again, same shoe, different angle
^black, ballet type flats?
^same thing
oh yeah, and while im at it, here is the picture of the skirt i made yesterday