Fringe fics that saw me through Hiatus

Sep 28, 2011 14:49

Kernzelda - Apple from the Tree
Walternate pov - Interesting take on the Secretary, his lack of connection with Peter, and a killer last line.

Kerithwyn - Betrayal
AltLiv - the flipside of being replaced by your double. The story provides a POV not considered before, and sells it.  This is AltLiv, newly returned to her world and confronting her own sense of betrayal.

Ziparumpazoo - Bleeding Daylight
Roland Childe to the Dark Tower Came, set in Mid-world and a richly drawn tapestry of healing (featuring a still pissed off Olivia Dunham).  Brilliant.  Anything by zip is worth a look.  I have the distinct feeling she could write about paint drying and still make it noteworthy.

Elfin - Breathe in the air while you Can.
Frank Stanton/Olivia Dunham.  AU.   Excellent story, providing insight and interaction for a character largely overlooked by fandom.

Chichuri - Chain you Down.
An AU series where Nick Lane and Olivia Dunham bring a reluctant Peter back to the ZFT.  I read this one rainy afternoon, and promptly bookmarked it, it hits a number of my personal kinks, not the least of which is the image of Olivia wielding two guns.

Ziparumpazoo - A Death So Full and Man so Small
Written for the op ficathon.   One of those stories written in the no-man’s-land between the seasons end and start - go in knowing there’s a possibility it will be Jossed, but the snatches of worlds, and the stories relevant to them, are utterly fascinating.

Monanotlisa - Hands of above to lean on
Astrid, Broyles post LSD.  Broyle’s voice, patterns of speech, even the timbre come through in this fic wonderfully.  A sweet story with a hint of a promise near the end.

Chichuri - Helpful Distractions.
Phone sex  -Fringe style.  Effortlessly in voice for both characters, and like with most things regarding Olivia and Peter, never according to plan.

Monanotlisa - Kept us Awake with Wolves' teeth
Altliv/our Lincoln Lee.   I am so willing to see this happen in canon, or you know, any ‘verse.

Monanotlisa - Lick the Spark
X-over Fringe/Teen Wolf
Astrid/Scott McCall.   Blinks  Um, yeah, and while I haven’t exactly seen Teen Wolf per se, I was completely sucked into this story…Astrid is a smart, level-headed teen in this fic who knows when to help and when to run.

Dotfic - Locutionary Acts
Astrid Farnsworth and the entire gang.   Had me grinning like an idiot and Astrid’s bewilderment is a delight.

Tilden13 - Madeline
Madeline was the first post season 3 fic I read, and still remains one of the best.

Kerithwyn - A Momentary lapse of Composure
Astrid pov.  If anyone’s allowed a moment of anger, then it’s Astrid, more amusingly, is the fact she can’t hold on to it.

Ziparupazoo - Olivia…in the bathroom…with a Razor
Author lists this as a porn-fail, which technically speaking is true, but what a wonderful porn fail it is.  The story remains steamy, hot and intimate, while providing some of the more quiet moments between Peter and Olivia outside of their case-files.  Plus, the title along makes me smile.

Ziparumpazoo - The Package Deal.
Olivia pov. Peter and Walter Bishop
Hands down one of the best stories highlighting not only the relationship between the Bishops, but Olivia’s space beside them.  Insightful and an absolute joy to read.

Kerithwyn - Perfection Squared
Lincoln Lee meets Lincoln Lee.  Wonderful, witty, and so damn hot.

Monanotlisa - Singular and at the Same Time
Astrid/Olivia.  Post Marionette, there are very little stories that tackle the friendship between Astrid and Olivia, or the support Astrid provides when Olivia first returns from over there.  Gorgeous writing from start to finish.

Ciderapples - Spandex…or Alter Boy and the Cortexi-Kid
Crack fic, playful, mad-cap and with killer one-liners.

Elfin - Zeppelins and Alligators
Red Verse AltLiv/Charlie/Lincoln.  A quiet moment between Olivia’s team and her new bundle.

Elfin - 20 Questions
Written for the kink-meme, full disclosure leads to a hot, steamy, encounter.

(and if this showed up twice on your friends page, my apologies, I'm still wrestling with LJ and their inability to let me use the goddamn edit button)

A quick shout-out to all the writers who kept me entertained during hiatus, and a heartfelt thank you.

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