This is what you are allowed to do.
You may watch the (beautiful) lines of his back as he moves, the sharp cut of the suit across his shoulders. You may watch his fingers on the back of the chair as he slides it towards the table (between you).
You may watch the reflection of his eyes in the gloss. If you so desire, you may pretend that he is looking at you.
(When he actually does look at you, you may pretend that you are a statue, cold and untouchable. A monument to intellect and apathy.
You may pretend you don’t feel his anguish like claws in your ribs.)
You may watch him shuffle papers in front of you. You may count the notches his teeth make in his bottom lip. You may trace the lines in his forehead with your eyes, and try to guess how many you put there (all of them).
You may stare as he opens his mouth to speak to you, and keep staring when he decides against it.
You may watch him walk away.
Now, this last part? This is important.
This is the most important rule you will ever obey.
You are not allowed to follow him.
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