Auguries of Innocence, a Good Omens short, Crowley/Aziraphale bless them. Working on a long fic I don't want to be working on, little snippet in the meantime -_-
Disclaimer: Consider it very disclaimed, I don't own them.
Rating: Pff PG-13
Warnings and spoilers: Set post-series, light on the warnings.
Summary: We are led to Believe a Lie/When we
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Comments 4
It's strange to me how meta and fics these days are all based on the show, because to me, Aziraphale is quite different in the two. I seem to recall it being Aziraphale's idea to kill the child in the book? Anyway, I'm lamenting how all fic these days is based on the show :/ I adore the show, I've watched it an embarrassing amount of times by now, bu they are two very different animals.
Also, let's not pretend for a moment that the two of them don't know their way around each other effectively enough that manipulation takes an entirely different dimension.
Sometimes fandom positively exhausts me.
On another note; I hope you're doing alright, dear. That presence on the internet that mostly amounts to "Yay, watch stuff! Mourn that your favourite boys band is going on hiatus!" leaves a lot to be desired. I really hope you're doing alright - you seem to be having a tough time. All the hugs from Denmark, in any case.
Such an interesting juxtaposition of guilt in this fic, despite the vast difference between getting someone else to miracle a paint stain from a coat and getting someone else to kill the anti-Christ!
Chronic illness sucks, but when it can't be beaten, it's all in how one chooses to "live" with it. I'm so glad to learn that you're in a good space right now. It's fabulous to have you writing again! <3
Fandom treats the various bad behaviour those two in such bizarre, disproportionate ways o_0 I don't want to erase any of the really genuinely awful things Crowley's done, it's part of why I feel like I *get* him whereas Aziraphale's a bit more opaque, in his way. Crowley's been literally sending people to Hell for thousands of years, in his own way but he's still been doing it, and he's good at it; that's not something to pretend away, that's something he lives with, and I want to live with the character through that <3
I'm really glad to be writing again too ^^ Thank you for reading it, honey! Thank you =)
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