Jul 30, 2011 18:14

No idea if this will go through, because I can't get most pages to load 100% recently. But I shall try.

Guys, beyond my RP friends, who else is watching Electrickittens Thundercats 2011? Because ho my god, that was a badass premiere and I want more of this in my life. Is it next Friday yet?

Now, I'm a child of the 80's and I did watch the original at its time although I can't remember most of it now. But I'm pretty sure I never gave a shit about the original Lion-O when he wasn't doing the now mythical "Thunder! THUNDER! THUNDERCATS!!! HOOOOO!!!!1!" recycled but cool scene. Such bland leader, you guys. I can't even remember Tygra's original personality either, so IDGAF is he was extremely changed. I think I only liked Cheetara and Panthro. And I really hated Snarf.

Obviously this is a very different monster, as I LOVE everyone in the main cast forever in the remake. I cannot handle this cuteness and badassery. But I'll leave this for the end.

First off, I LOVE the animation and art style. The original show was really well animated, but to be honest the character designs always creeped me out a little (oh Jesus, the clown eyes! they looked like cheap Cirque du Soleil knockoffs in furry!) I could never really believe they were supposed to be, well, humanoid wild cats. They were too human and it was often like apes with claws hybrids to me instead. But here we have them revamped in a way that it's still obvious it's them, but they feel less bad 80's fashion and more... kitty. This city, I can believe it's a feline society, and the fact the characters make cat noises is a great touch. So okay, they're drawn in an anime style by a Japanese studio but it doesn't look as UGUU DESU as the haters say (unless we're talking about the Wily twins, but they're kids anyway). It's still Western cartoon enough, I think: the best of both worlds. So all the butthurt people who hate the new designs are either too hung up in childhood nostalgia, or just like the unique art the original had, or just hate animu. Because really, the old Thundercats were so fug!

I like the plot! Full of genre topics and twists, sure, but it felt so fucking epic I don't care at all. From the trailers and sneak previews, we were already kidding that it was like a Tales game especially from Lion-o's personality, but I have to correct things here:


And I say this IN A GOOD WAY, mind you! ♥

This is a world where cats and lizards have this antagonism going on, people rarely dare to get out of their citadel, technology is a thing of fairytales, and good (bad?) old Mumm-Ra is just a boogeyman until he pops in to take the crap over Thundera. Now our intrepid shounen jump protagonist, his older brother, and the mandatory badass chick have lost any kind of mentor/parental figure. They have to leave their home in ruins, on a quest to find the Book of MacGuffin with only their badassery, that awesome Sword of Omens™, and one LOLCATS-worthy mascot as their tools. Soon the two street rats will join, and hopefully the older warrior guy that was presumed dead, and we'll have a party worthy of Tales of Thundera great prowesses!

HURRAY! I'd play the SHIT out of this if this were a JRPG, let me tell you.

Characters, characters. About the main guys, everything is beautiful and nothing hurts.

- Lion-O is so ADORKABLE and I can't be happier that they de-aged him and gave him a personality worthy of spiky anime hair. I rarely get into the Tales Shounentard type, but he's simultaneously the noble prince and the irresponsible bocchan and the naive geek, and that's too much to handle. He's Jasmine sneaking out of the palace, and Ariel hoarding crap, and Simba. I really like him as a character. Is he ready to be a leader? Fuck no. But you can tell he'll learn and he'll overcome his bullshit, and one day he'll be as badass as his counterpart.

- Tygra is getting a lot of hate for being a douchebag. I'm sorry, what? Sure he's rude and competitive at Lion-O and conceited, but douchebag seems too strong. Granted I don't remember his original self, but it can't be a larger change than Lion-o's. I actually liked Tygra a lot. He's an ass, but in a pompous better-than-thou sense. At the same time he's the flirty cool guy! I can't *not* like the flirty cool guy! And I think the aggressive dynamic with Lion-o will make things interesting. (People are shipping them already? LOL)

- We don't know much about Cheetara yet besides her creepy hobby of following Lion-o like a ninja, and that she was a cleric under Jaga. But guys, she's so pretty and so badass and so sassy I CANNOT HANDLE. It is sad that we don't know much about her, and I really hope we see more about her, her story, her personality, and something beyond Badass Action Female Character really soon. So far she's a mystery, and hopefully she'll be a fun one to see unraveled.

- Wilykat and Wilykit are SO PRECIOUS. Their old versions annoyed me, but these are so cute. I hope they can make a stop at the place with treasure they wanted to go to. Really, so fucking cute. The way they eat! KITTIES! I like the girl better than the boy so far. Thank God they changed your hairdo, because seriously.

- Mumm-Ra. JESUS ON A ROLLERCOASTER, THIS GUY GOT HIS SHIT DONE IN LAME SITH LORD MODE O___O Behind are the days where I mocked original Mumm-Ra. Imagine when he pumps himself to Beefy Mode! He'll become a fucking beast! And remember he's the one with all the motherfucking technology. They won't need only the Book and the Sword, but a goddamn miracle.

- Now the old guys. King Clawdius is Mufasa meets the Son I Am Disappoint meme. Regardless, I'm sad he died so soon to move the plot forward. Grune was an asshole, but I saw it coming. I'm not sad about the lack of Panthro because I'm somehow convinced that he's not dead. Let's hope he's cool and he joins the team. Jaga was an awesome old mentor guy and I'm so much sadder about his sacrifice.

I think that's it. So yeah, I fucking love this shit and Cartoon Network better not cancel this one. It's a lot of fun, much more than what I remember from the original. Haters gonna hate.

nothing hurts, omg kawaii!1!, random tv, thundercats, for the win!, epic win, i can't believe it's not tales, fuck yeah!, my childhood!

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