Title: Ten Letters To My Beloved
Author: Prinnè aka[info]rainne_yuumei
Rating: PG (just to be safe)
Pairing: Kim Jaejoong/Lee Yeonhee
Genre: Angst/Romance
Concrit: Yes please~♪
Summary: Jaejoong receives a box of letters from his girlfriend.
A/N: This was written in between classes because I was bored and it was cold.
Letter o1
She cried. He didn’t understand why she was crying. “Uhm…noona?”
She sniffed before telling him, “Can I go over there? I have to give you something.”
“S-sure, no problem.” He stuttered. Even though he didn’t understand as to why her sister had to make that call and half the time she was crying, he knew that it was something that had to do to her. Everything that was happening around always has had something to do with her.
After roughly an hour, she appeared at their doorstep. Her eyes were puffy, her clothes looked like it was worn without thought, she was a mess. She held out something to him, it was a box. It was her box. He clearly remembered the time when they bought that along with some stuffed animals for their monthsary.
“Take it.” She told him in a croaky voice. She had been crying, a lot. “She wanted you to have this.”
It has been weeks since she last called him and he got frustrated with her when she stopped answering her calls. “Why couldn’t she bring it here personally?”
“Haven’t you heard of it yet? It was on the news this morning.”
He shook his head.
“She’s gone.”
She’s gone. Those were the words that lingered in his mind. Still, he couldn’t believe that she was gone, not at that time when they needed to prove that they’re more than that. He glanced at the box and debated whether he’d open it at that moment or a he’d wait a little longer. He grabbed it and opened it. Inside were letters folded neatly and tied in the middle with ribbons of different colors. It was just like her to do that. He took the letter with the number 1 written on it.
Dear Jaejoong,
Do you still remember the first time we met? We were still young and careless. We only cared about reaching our dreams, nothing more, nothing less.
We were seated on the same bench, waiting for our turn to face the judges. I remember seeing you for the first time, you still had that raven black hair of yours, still untainted of all the other colors that gave you a new look for every album you released. I remember you wearing a white shirt under that gray vest that matched perfectly with your gray pants. You were a vision; innocence still marked that angelic face of yours, along with the hardships you’ve already experienced at such a tender age. I was nothing like you. You were fidgeting as you anxiously waited to be called. I really didn’t feel nervous that time because I was so busy gawking at you. I know it was rude, but, do you think that I could help it?
When they called you, I began to feel eagerness for what you have to show them, to me. When you opened those cherry lips, a voice as angelic as you came out. I simply loved it. it was then that I started to doubt myself, in terms of talent and beauty, that is. Yes, even if I know you’d get mad at me for saying this, I’m telling you the truth that I once doubted my own because of you. After four more people, I got the chance to show you what I was made of. When I stepped up on the stage, I suddenly felt nervous, not because of the judges, but because of your intense gaze on me. As much as I hate to admit it, you made me do my best and I owe all the glamour and fame I received in my life. And I thank you for that.
Your loving star,