-Faltering As Passion Disintegrates-
Do you listen to music while you fill out surveys?: mmhmm
In the past week, what song have you listened to the most often?: robocop by kanye west
What was the last thing you shared with someone else?: that i'm going to fail this test with russ
While playing video games, do you prefer being first or second player?: don't care
What is the most difficult word for you to pronounce?: dunno
What did you have to do for the last homework you were assigned?: fuckin' stats
You've planned a roadtrip. Where are you going, and who's coming too?: whoever wants to come is coming to bonnaroo
Do you have an overactive imagination?: ooh yes
What was the last important thing that you thought about?: the lac operon
Generally, do you call people, or wait for them to call you?: depends who it is
On average, how many texts do you send out each day?: maybe 5
If a cop pulled you over for speeding, how would you respond?: sorry?
Has anyone ever questioned your sanity?: probably
How many people do you depend on?: 2
How many people do you think depend on you?: dunno
What is the worst color combination?: black and red
Have you ever injured yourself walking around in the dark?: yep
When you get a papercut, how do you react?: SHIT
Can you type without looking down at the keyboard?: yeah
At what age did you develop an interest in the opposite [or same] sex?: um 1st gradeish
Are you or members of your family religious?: family is
What is your opinion on religions other than your own?: bullshit
What's so scary about clowns, anyway?: *shrug* nothing really
When was the last time you acted like someone you're not?: last week
Have you ever wished that something bad would happen to someone else?: yep
When was the last time that you cleaned your room?: last week
How many hats do you own/wear?: 0
What was the last thing that you printed?: ethics make-up paper
Did the last song you listened to hold any special meaning?: sure
Are you experiencing problems within a current relationship?: nope
When you're upset, who do you turn to?: dad or russ
How many times a day do you log onto Myspace?: never
Does winter weather depress you?: it actually hasn't lately
Who was the last person that you called?: andrew
What product was being advertised on the last commercial you saw?: UFC dvd
Do you ever wonder who sings the catchy commercial jingles?: yeah sometimes
When you think about your last relationship, what song comes to mind?: woke up new by the mountain goats
Are there any lyrics to describe your current crush/relationship?: all i want is you, will you stay with me, hold me in your arms and sway me like the sea
Who in your life makes you the most uncomfortable?: um roommates sometimes?
Do you ever receive comments on your weight?: sometimes at work
Is there anything that you do just to make other people happy?: stay in school
When you need a temporary escape, what do you do?: sleep
What was the last lie that you believed in?: that the heater smoked when it tipped over
How long did your last feelings of heartbreak last?: approx 5
Is there any sport that you would want to learn to play?: nope
What band would you most like to meet?: mountain goats
Do you ever have difficulty opening pill-bottle caps?: yep
Do you gain weight around the holidays?: yep
Are you related to anyone famous, or to any historical figure?: don't think so
If it was an option, would you take a trip into outerspace?: hellz yes
What was the last thing that you wrote down [with a pen/pencil]?: something about codons
Has anyone told you that you have a nice smile?: yep
Are you uncomfortable with being photographed?: mostly
How vivid are your memories?: not very
What's the earliest you've woken up in the past week?: 715
How many people have you talked to today?: 11?
What was the last reason behind why you went to the hospital?: panic attack of death
When journaling, are you honest when documenting your feelings?: mostly
If you have a journal, do you ever worry others might find it?: i'm afraid that uri peeps will infiltrate soon
When you go camping, do you sleep in a tent or an RV?: probably a tent
What's one ridiculous thing that you do?: i don't study and i think it's okay
Do you feel that you must wear make up to be attractive?: nope
What was the last thing [other than the keyboard] that you touched?: celly
Ever done anything dangerous while driving with someone else in the car?: not really
Name someone you wish you could be closer with?: roommates
Have you ever played the license plate game on long car-trips?: oh yes
Are you a secretive person, or are you open with your thoughts?: open
What is the worst question that someone could ask you?: idk
Do you talk to your pets?: if i had pets i would talk to them
Do you have a least favorite day of the year?: christmas
What traits do you look for in a potential BF/GF?: funny nice smart, etc
Would you date someone that had a different religion from you?: dunno
Right now, what's in your bookbag/backpack?: all the homework i forgot to do
What's unique about your city or town?: ummmmmmm we have the largest high school in the state!!
If you could say something to the world, what would you say?: let me sleep
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