Ok, first REAL artpost for this thing.
Recently I have come to a few conclusions and one mildly unnerving realization. As a result, Rain's appearance is probably gonna change a bit... and my old name will wind up represented by something else. As to what that something else is... I can't particularly decide.
Take 1! Aaaaand action!
One realization + one odd mood = an overwhelming desire to depict my self image as some sort of demonic. Harder than it looks when most "evil" cues are either very bishounen-y or absolutely SCREAM masculine. I'd rather keep this creature androgynous by nature.
So after some thoughts, and tossed out ponderings on horns, antlers, scales, death and slattered corpses, flowers and thorns, fire and chains... well... you get the idea. Ephemeral moods strike once again, I decided enough was enough and settled on "Not evil-looking. Just mysterious/odd if anything."
And so I made this.
Did I mention I like bezier curves now? Its like inking, only you can ctrl+Z if you botch... and it takes about half as long, surprisingly. From before to after, the lines themselves took just shy of 18 minutes.
And now I'm in need of physical advice before I take things further. Namely, do the legs work?
Currently they're made so that the thighs are still there, just very short. Most of the leg is shin and ankle (digitigrade walker), but i'm not sure whether it makes any sense or not.