Title: (Un)romantic
Pairing: Tegomassu
Rating: PG
Summary: Massu realizes how their so-called relationship isn't like what couples hope for. Tegoshi is a romanticist. Go figure. I'm no good at this summary-thing.
Author's Notes: Written for
yuukarin . Advanced happy birthday! 8D
I'm the man in this relationship, afterall. )
Comments 9
brb reading :D
I love you
this was so cute!!!
massu you dork, just because your relationship isnt like the ones in the movies doesnt mean its not going anywhere/isnt working
but he got super cute with the notes and the "pork to my gyoza" comment made me giggle. cutie <3
tegoshi responding to all the notes is just ♥
I can't even explain it, I love this so much!
thank you so much, really! I love birthdays, especially if they bring such adorable fics <3 ILY! <3
Your comment made me flail like an idiot even when I just came home carsick! 8DDDD
I'm glad (and by glad, I mean high/ecstatic/head-banging)you liked it!
ILY2! ♥
The notes! cute cute cute!
sadasdasdasd thank you for sharing!♥
Thanks for reading and commenting! And when are they not cute? ♥
tegoshi so cute answering to massu's notes.
"I’m the man in this relationship" so true. everytime they're together it really looks like tegoshi is massu's girlfriend. *_*
thank you for sharing :) :)
Thanks for reading and commenting! :D:D:D
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