Title: Untitled
Author: Kat
Word Count: 326
Rating: G
Summary: Shawn ponders on what could have been if he'd done things a little differently.
Notes:Non-angst, no matter what that sounded like. Just me being bored and stuck on my Kirk/McCoy challenge....damnit, and my deadline is coming up for it too! *sighes* I'm so boned -_-
Sometimes Shawn wondered what life would have been like if he’d decided to use his 'super powers’ for the benefit of evil---His father would hate him, there was no getting around that. But what about the other people Shawn knew and mostly loved? What about Jules? Would she and Gus still have their little totally-not-a-secret-though-they-both-tried-to-keep-it-that-way thing going on? Would he and Lassiepants be mortal enemies? (More so than they were now) Or would they never have met? Would Gus still be his easy-to-manipulate-and-generally-usually-invaluable-not-that-he’d-ever-tell-him-that-unless-he-was-having-an-off-day-and-then-maybe-it-would-be-ok sidekick/partner/whatever? Would his best friend still help him with his schemes?
Well, ok, that was a given; yes, yes he would, because Gus was Gus and Shawn was Shawn and that was that.
Lassie though….Lassie was a good cop---a great cop. Little mini-cops marched through his veins (figuratively speaking) and Shawn didn’t think he could ignore them if he wanted to. And anyhow, even if they weren’t on the same side, Shawn was almost one hundred percent certain that, even if he’d taken that flight to Paris when he’d been nineteen, and even if he’d somehow managed to put his god-given, Henry-trained talent to less than savory (but no doubt lucrative) uses, he and Lassie would somehow get to know each other---no job, no matter what it was, would be any fun without their constant bickering and one-uping.
And speaking of….
Shawn sneaked through Lassie’s modest little home, careful not to disturb anything that might give his game away to soon. He needed to find the bedroom first, and leave his little gift right where he’d planned. Lassiter couldn’t suspect anything until the time was right.
His internal clock, which was usually mostly always right, told him he had a half hour of snooping before the detective was due off shift. Perfect.
He grinned wickedly as he slipped into the bedroom, sitting the pineapple he was carrying down in the center of the bed, resting it against a pillow and adjusting the bow.