yup thanks for the unthankful output... maybe you dont mean it that way but u never said thanks to me in person nor did u even write any thanks, i shouldnt be reading your journal but i was hoping ud atleast say thanks here and i dunno maybe its just me but u made me just sound like a straight out ass and i dont see why the hell u do... i go out of the way just to be hurt and it seems as if you say the meanest things to me and i just have to take it because of who you are... i wasnt going to mention the things but truth is i dont think ull ever figure it out... i used to do things for you only to be expected of it... even small things like going to eat lunch with u, did u ever even think about coming to see me? i ruined my other friendships to eat with you... oh and u remember the batting cages? u werent hitting 80 i slew the pitch down and never told u... but of course in all reality im just another guy that is forgotten right... find it funny how u say u forget me cuz its ur way of forgetting things yet ken and randy isnt gone, i
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I went out of my way to be nice to you when you called me a bitch before you even knew what I had done. I would have said thanks for the cards, except I was too excited about them to remember at the time. I also didn't like how you kept telling me you wanted to burn everything that had to do with us being friends, so I'm feeling a little intimidated by you at the moment, a little alienated. Your hostility has me a tad paralyzed in your presence... or even when you talk to me for that matter. I don't know what to say. I'm not mad at you, nor do I mean to hurt you. It's just hard for me to talk to you, or about you, or think about you. I'm trying my best to be nice, and thankful, and the best person possible in everyone's eyes, but it's hard to please everyone. I didn't include a thanks in here because I didn't think you would ever read this, or that anyone who you are friends with would read this. All I can really do is say I'm sorry. And yes, I did think of how much trouble you put into our relationship, and it made me
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guess there's no need to be an ass but i dont accept the appology and nor do i plan to anytime soon, it seems like everytime something happens u say u fucked up and its like u try to rub it in as something for me to feel bad about, i wasnt mad at you nor am i at the moment, but im starting to feel a bit annoyed... u actually told me u forgot about me so i dont know how u say u didnt and u dotn even want that picture, how about i give it to u and see wtf u do with it, im obviously not going to leave it up in my room... and how would u like to be placed in a mental institute and branded legally insane for the rest of ur life, that occur to u? no it wasnt right of me to call u a bitch but wtf u think i was going to do, thank you? hell no i wasnt going to thank u esp after u blocked me when i got out... i got out of the institute hoping i could atleast talk to u and all i find is that i got sent there and u blocked me when i got out... and i fucking went there cuz justin intervened with our friendship, maybe u dont see that but if it
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Oh my, that was a LOT of crap! I'm sorry Stefanie! Hmmm but I don't think you should take anyone seriously if they say "u" in an important converstation... especially multiple times. And I think it's odd that you guys would type out your personal problems for everyone to see (hmm that's what an online journal is for right... well you know what I mean right? ). (oh hey you forgot to write it was my birthday :OP ). Well yeah try not to think of this unresolved tension. Oh, and to each "her" own ;O). And I think it's fine you get really happy over signed cards, hey I get excited over eco-friendly products!
Ok Nori if you are still reading this you have more issues then I thought. It is completly rude to be posting your comment to me in Stafanie's journal, since I was actually giving feedback to HER. Why are you even talking about Anna, no one mentioned her. And don't make up excuses and say I am mad because of something petty like that, why can't you face that I don't like you as a person. I'm pretty sure that goes for others as well. So I'm sorry Stef to use you as an outlet, but Nori is pretty damn good at that.
Comments 7
Love ya,
(geeze that's a typo from hell)
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