(no subject)

Jul 16, 2009 00:09

A few things on the movie...

+ Firstly, it was probably one of the best Harry Potter movies I've seen. I did have my problems with it, but so much of it genuinely made me laugh as opposed to laughing AT them like I did in the other films.

+ Luna Lovegood's lines = brilliant.


+ Emma Watson was... oh, my God... actually tolerable. Not great. She'll never be great. But tolerable.

+ Narcissa was done quite well, despite the hairdo.

+ Ginny fucking freaked me out the entire film. I know, I know, this should be a bad point but it was so fucking amusing that I had to place this in the pluses. "Oh... your shoelace.", "close you eyes... close your eeeeeyes"... epic.

+ And stuff I've probably forgotten 'til I see it again.

- Biggest thing I hated... NO-ONE explained the reason behind Snape being the Half-Blood Prince! Like... what? Snape just kind of bends over Harry, goes "oh BTW I'm the HBP, ciao" and thus everyone who has never read this book leaves thinking he is some kind of wizard prince... who is a half-blood. Yeah. Well done. You'd think, seeing as it was the title to the fucking movie, that someone SOMEWHERE would have just tossed in a little sentence saying "oh by the way, I was in the library and found out Snape's mummy is Eileen Prince and she married a muggle. Makes sense now, doesn't it?" - and poof! Confusion solved.

- Way too much Lily-Sue love. I know I don't particularly like her, but come on, I don't understand why ANYONE likes such a boring, one-dimensional character who EVERYONE was apparently in love with. She is such a blatant Mary-Sue type character it makes me gag.

- Teenager Riddle no where near charming enough. Too MWAHAHAHA for my tastes. Also disappointed that they cut out Merope and all that backstory. I liked that part in the book.

- Snape was no where near as angry and "twisted with angst" as he should have been. Pretty sure anyone who hasn't read the books would in no way assume that he was evil from the film. Way too stoic. And he didn't even move an eyebrow when Harry nearly killed Draco?! I don't like movie Snape version, I'm sorry Rickman fangirls, just not my Snape.

- Hated the added Burrow scene. Purpose?

- And, I'm tired now. More when I see it again and remember stuff...

And now, pics! (More when I go with lotsa geeks on Sunday if I can be arsed uploading)

Maree as Luna and me as generic Slyth/Pansy? (It was suggested to me) (This is my new hair... it is win.)

But I DID like it. I know it seems mostly negative but as the HP movies go - one of the best.

Who else has seen it? Thoughts?

half-blood prince, hp6

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