Title: The Dragon
Characters / Shippings: Iroh
Rating: G
Words: 100
Prompt from: theavatar100 community, #124 (Dungeons and Dragons)
The silence was laughing at him. No noise, no life. Just quiet nothings, fleeting throughts fluttering against cold stones.
"The Dragon of the West," the spirits chortled. "Chained and caged. Defeated. Beaten." The irony was not lost on the Dragon. It had been a willing surrender. The collar was placed 'round his neck. His nephew was led away--another willing surrender. (Almost.)
The last Dragon would wither away in a dungeon, forgotten by the world.
He retreated, shrinking away from that stark reality. He could not accept it.
He would not.
There would be no willing surrender. Not this time.