oh and I think here is a free lineage server
http://www.idragon3d.com/index.asp?target=news I am redownloading lineage right now (1.5-2gig download) And will tell you how it goes. So far though the register page wont work :( oh and if I get this to work DO NOT install lineage and playing without consulting me first as you have to download something else. And if you dont and try playen anyways you will have to reinstall(or in my case redownload :()
god those were some sexy beasts...duel sabres pumping D grade soul shots like there was no tomorrow! My fingure hasnt had a work out like that since...well....shush your mouth
the buddy that got me into it the owner of
http://www.pwnageonline.com/(blue use to visit there)that got me into lineage looken like a whore
alili hint...when your a newbie like I was in this pic.....the little * by creatures names means they come find you not vice versa...
my very first screen shot just started lineage up. havnt made my first kill yet dont think
sorry for the quality blue but this was the last picture I took when in memphis before I moved up here and it was in the middle of me crying. But yeah its the Memphis bridge.