Think that everyone who participated in this little grab for some fictional gold should be pleased with their "haul." I don't know about you, but this has restored my sense that this remains a viable concept that can continue to be "mined." I know I've come away with some good ideas, and I bet you have too.
I'd like to thank my fellow mods,
veronica_rich and
gryphons_lair for doing the lion's share of the work while I went on the vacation, and considering that I proposed the dates, you may ask, what in the hell was she thinking? But these two aren't daunted by anything!
The R.E.V.E.A.L.
Were you surprised by some of the authors? I was! Note the requests and prompts and see how closely our pirates followed the code!
Since we've now stripped you of your anonymity, go forth and post to your own LJs and pirate communities. We ask that you mention that you wrote this for Summer Swag 08 for the
raise_the_dead com, so that more and more people will recognize that fun-ass stuff is happening here, prompting more people to join the com. The more the merrier.
And a little ps here. We have lots of fun here in the pirate sun planned, so keep your eyeballs peeled for the next round of pirates lassies do CofBP.
Escape - written for
cassiopaya by
Prompts: Sirèn, Subfusc, and Bolsa.
Requests: Navy Boys (Norrington, Gillette, Groves), Royal Marines (Murtogg & Mullroy), Anamaria, Slash & Het
Here and Now - written for
meowbooks by
Prompts: twitch, twinkle, sesquipedalian
Requests: Cozy simple moments or complex (i.e. contemplating destiny, do we have a choice?). Fluffy Nonsense, drama, dramedy, angst, adventure,Will/Elizabeth, Elizabeth/Norrington, Jack,Will, Elizabeth,James Norrington, Murtogg and Mullroy,Overlooked Characters (Navy, Barbossa's crew,Governor Swann)
The Garden Party, or How to Decorate a Hat - written for
gryphons_lair by
Prompts: oranges, birds, linen
Requests: gen, PG, minor characters (Gibbs, Cotton, Anamaria, Murtogg&Mullroy, Groves, Gillette, Estrella, et al), shipfic (as in fic about the Pearl, Dauntless, etc), comedy, "domestic" (IE: everyday life) stories.
Cat-o-Nine - written for
haldir_fancier by
Prompts: whip scars, new tattoo, cats
Requests: Jack/Will; NC-17, but any rating is peachy, really; Jack/Will/Elizabeth; Anamaria; slash
Telemetry - written for
concertigrossi by
Prompts: future, syzygy, laurels
Requests: Norrington/anyone (though especially interesting OFCs), mild to moderate angst, slash, het, any rating. Monogamy enjoyed but not required.
Rumor Has It - written for
immortal_jedi by
Prompts: Hopes, darkest night, and loss
Requests: Will/Elizabeth, Norrington, humor, Bootstrap, Jack trying to get out of trouble, Pre-movie
Sticking Point - written for
rexluscus by
Prompts: court-martial, love triangle, impossible choice
Requests: Norrington/anyone, mild angst, slash and het, unrequited love, any rating
Put Together Again - written for
curiouslyfic by
Prompts: stubble, smirks, and smut
Requests: James/Jack slash, Jack's crew gen. G-NC17
What Jack Wants - written for
danglingdingle by
Prompts: ajar, whack, tinted
Requests: Jack/Will, slash, Jack, Will and the joyous banter
Rash, Turner - written for
pir8fancier by
Prompts: Jack/Will, James/Jack, slash, het, NC-17
Requests: sunburn, rashes, and Mr. Cotton's parrot
What a Woman Can Do - written for
geekmama by
Prompts: Loyalty, Celebration, Debts
Requests: J/E, J/A, J/Pearl, N/E, BB/W's Mom, Jack, Elizabeth, BB, Young!Jack, Barbossa
Get the Point? - written for
heartofslash by
Prompts: love of the sea, a taste for exotic fruit and/or chocolate, booty
Requests: Any pairing/genre will do as long as it's entirely consensual and involves SEX. Graphic sex. Prefer CotBP.
Your Diploma, Mr. Turner - written for
veronica_rich by
Prompts: marriage, ropes, breezes
Requests: Jack/Will, Will/Norrington, slash, happy endings
Ensnared - written for
yoiebear by
Prompts: cuddle, swords, fear
Requests: Will/Elizabeth, Jack/James, slash, het, NC-17
Egregious Education - written for
camille_moineau by
Prompts: rum, teaching, talent
Requests: Jack/Pearl, Jack/Tia Dalma, Jack/Ana, Scarlett/(Jack)/Giselle, Jack-Gibbs friendship fic, Jack-as-teacher. Any rating fine for pairing fics.
Fading in Music - written for
meowbooks by
Prompts: twitch, twinkle, sesquipedalian
Requests: Cozy simple moments or complex (i.e. contemplating destiny, do we have a choice?). Fluffy Nonsense, drama, dramedy, angst, adventure,Will/Elizabeth, Elizabeth/Norrington, Jack,Will, Elizabeth,James Norrington, Murtogg and Mullroy,Overlooked Characters (Navy, Barbossa's crew,Governor Swann)
Uniformed Zombies - written for
mamazano by
Prompts: Jack Sparrow, Black Pearl, Norrington, Gibbs, Beckett, Barbossa… any or all in piratey adventures, real or supernatural
Requests: treasure map, zombies, voodoo
Weathering the Storm - written for
pigeongirl99 by
Prompts: squall, escapology, thaw
Requests: Jack/Will, slash, rated 15 or above
Fevered - written for
sequence_fairy by
Prompts: treasured, heart-beat, eclipse
Requests: Jack/Liz, Willabeth, well written Elizabeth with any character, Het, slash, adventure, romance, angst, any rating, I prefer over R though(well, I like a lot of things)
Rumors - written for
lolitalockhart by
Prompts: rum, teaching, talent
Requests: Jack/Pearl, Jack/Tia Dalma, Jack/Ana, Scarlett/(Jack)/Giselle, Jack-Gibbs friendship fic, Jack-as-teacher. Any rating fine for pairing fics.
A Bit of a Bet - written for
sparrowhawk723 by
Prompts: storm at sea; magical amulet or charm; sentient Black Pearl
Requests: Jack/Will, Jack/Will/Elizabeth
Becalm - written for
captsparrow4evr by
Prompts: Jack/Will, James/Jack, Jack/Barbossa, slash, G-NC17
Requests: fidelity, facial hair, and a gift
Duel - written for
lilfluffykitten by
Prompts: Blade, enthralled, discipline
Requests: Norrington/Sparrow, Norrington/Elizabeth, heck Norrington/anyone really. Anamaria. Beckett. The supernatural. Shipboard adventures. Back-story. Slash. Het.