Mar 06, 2011 00:33

User Name/Nick: Jessi
User LJ: jessi_malfoy
AIM/IM: jessihoney18
Other Characters: Perry.

Character Name: Clove
Series: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Age: Never actually stated, but around 17.
From When?: After Thresh bashes her head in with a rock at the Feast.

Inmate/Warden: Inmate - Clove was raised and trained for the sole purpose of competing in the Hunger Games - a fight to the death with twenty-three other teenagers. She has a sadistic streak and enjoys hunting and killing others.
Item: n/a

Abilities/Powers: Clove is in very good physical condition, though she's just a normal human teenage girl. She knows how to use a variety of weapons, but her main skill is throwing knives. She also, presumably, knows a lot of theoretical survival skills, though hadn't, until the Hunger Games (and even then, because she teamed up with the other Career Tributes, she probably ultimately only was forced to survive off the land for a couple of days at most), actually used them a lot.

Personality: First, a little backstory to make this easier to understand: in Panem (implied to be post-environmental-disaster North America) the society is split into twelve Districts and the Capitol. Each District produces something for the Capitol, and the Capitol rules the Districts with an iron fist. In Panem's history, The Dark Days refer to a time when the people of the Districts rose up and rebelled against the Capitol's rule. After quelling this rebellion, the Capitol created and instituted The Hunger Games. Every year, a boy and a girl are chosen (or they can volunteer) from each District to be a tribute and compete in the Hunger Games and the winner gets a bunch of money and food and will never have to work again. BUT OF COURSE, it isn't just a nice, healthy competition. NOPE, The Hunger Games is a fight to the death, and, as an added bonus, the Capitol forces the people in the Districts to watch the broadcasts. Over the seventy-five years since the first Hunger Games, some cultural weirdness has arisen. Districts 1, 2 and 4 often put forward volunteer tributes called Career Tributes who are (illegally!) trained for the purpose of competing, MAINLY just for the glory of winning, because those Districts tend to be pretty loyal to the Capitol and get more priviledges, so they don't actually need the money or food they can get from winning.


Most of Clove's personality has been built around the Hunger Games and the prospect of competing in them. She comes from District 2, which OFFICIALLY produces stone for the Capitol and the other Districts, but also trains Peacekeepers (the Capitol's law-enforcement in the Districts, often horribly ruthless in the enforcing), houses military vehicles like hovercrafts and manufactures weapons. In District 2, being a Tribute is seen as a huge honour, and being a winning Tribute means a crapton of glory and being treated like a hero for the rest of your life.

Clove was raised to compete in the Hunger Games; taught, above all, to be self-serving, hard and ruthless. She's pretty arrogant and most likely due to the special treatment she recieved as a trainee, she believes she's better (and more worthy/deserving of honour) than a lot of people. She VOLUNTEERED for the honour of killing twenty-three other kids, the youngest of them being only twelve years old, in the 74th Hunger Games. She's driven and focused, calmer than some of the other tributes and more confident. She has a temper, but it's a cold anger, not a hot blinding one. She's rational and is pretty good at making calculated decisions about where to spend her time; such as during the bloodbath at the Cornucopia at the very beginning of her Hunger Games, when she kills one boy and then sends a knife at a fleeing Katniss - who only misses out on being stabbed in the back due to the backpack she picked up, which catches the knife instead. Clove might want to pursue Katniss, but makes the decision to stay and fight the other tributes instead, so as to kill as many of them as possible early on with her Career friends and to secure the supplies.

In the Hunger Games, there can only be one winner, and yet, the Career Tributes tend to always team up in a pack and hunt out the weaker, lone tributes in the arena first, killing them together. It's an alliance that entails some interesting compartmentalisation; any alliances made in the arena are always going to be temporary, but Clove teams up with Cato, Glimmer, Marvel, and the girl tribute from District 4 anyway, and she seems to genuinely care for them, and mostly for Cato. However, if the Capitol hadn't changed the rules on them (announcing that if both the male and female tributes from one District were the last two children alive, they'd BOTH win) therefore negating Clove's need to kill Cato, if it came down to it, Clove would have killed Cato without batting an eye. Friendship is all very well, but she was trained to win, and ultimately, winning is everything to her. However, when Cato is no longer an obstacle to her win, she seems to trust him almost implicitly; they watch each other's backs, and she calls to him when another tribute, Thresh, attacks her. Unfortunately, Thresh deals her a fatal hit with a rock to the head, but Cato gets there and kneels by her, begging her not to die. There's some genuine affection and trust there, but it only showed AFTER they became true allies and not just part of the usual Career pack.

Clove actually defers to Cato somewhat, as he's the strongest personality in the group. When she catches Katniss, she mentions that Cato let her have Katniss to kill, if she promised to put on a good show for the cameras. She's perfectly content to let others lead, as she's in it for the bigger win. If it's not in her immediate interest to be on top, she won't bother. She doesn't find it necessary to hold onto scraps of power when she could be gunning for the highest glory. She's very goal-oriented that way.

She's loyal to the Capitol, she sees the Hunger Games as a challenge and a source of enjoyment. She would have watched the broadcasts of previous Hunger Games and longed to be there, hunting and killing other children. Although it's never really explored in the canon, looking closely at the details shows that, because the tributes of the Career Districts are pretty much always trained volunteers, kids who don't want to go to the Hunger Games wouldn't ever have to. This means? That Clove, as a very small child, made the choice to train for the competition. THIS INDICATES A VERY MESSED-UP PSYCHE. She values glory over human life, doesn't see anything wrong with killing to achieve her goals and probably sees violence as the way to get ahead in life, due both to the Games, and also to her District producing Peacekeepers, who have power and more wealth than the people they're put in charge of.

Basically, the girl has been highly conditioned and it's hard to tell whether it's because of that or on top of it, but somewhere along the line, Clove developed a nasty sadistic streak. She TRULY ENJOYS the fighting, the indiscriminate violence and brutality she can inflict on others in the arena. While some tributes fight and kill so they can survive, Clove kills for fame and glory. When she pins Katniss (the main character, lolol) down at the Feast, Clove takes great pleasure in informing her that she was involved in killing Katniss's ally Rue and then taunting Katniss about how she'll never be able to kiss the boy she loves again, because Clove is going to begin her slow and grisly murder by cutting her lips out of her face. Fortunately for Katniss, Clove gets attacked by another Tribute, Thresh, before she can actually go through with this, but she would have, and she would have got a lot of pleasure from it. Clove hates Katniss deeply, because she's a threat, and, worse still, a relatively unknown one, as the skills of each tribute are hidden from the others for as long as possible, to make the Games more exciting.

On the Barge, Clove will be THROWN by the lack of a structured system. She won't know where she fits in and will probably secretly appreciate it when she gets a warden, because she's so used to being told what to do by outside forces. HOWEVER, once she realises that the warden is all "dude, stop killing people" she will disapprove quite a lot. Once she finds out that she's dead? Shit's gonna hit the fan, because if she's dead, she lost, and losing is unacceptable. And then, when she finds out about graduation and getting a second chance? She's going to want it a lot! BUT FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS. She'll want a second chance so she can get back to the arena and BRUTALLY KILL THE REMAINING TRIBUTES DEAD. C:

Path to Redemption: Basically, the girl's gotta be deprogramed. Clove needs to learn WHY the Capitol is bad, and to do that, she needs to learn some empathy and some value for other people's lives. The Districts of Panem are kept VERY, VERY seperate from one another, having next to no contact with the others. The Career Districts are well-supplied and taken care of, so Clove doesn't know, and more importantly, doesn't CARE, about the lives of other people in other Districts, and she needs to be taught how to care so that a warden can show her how life in other Districts sucks because of the Capitol and therefore show her that the Capitol was wrong all along.

This isn't going to be an easy task, as District 2 was always the most loyal to the Capitol. In the rebellion that follows the 74th Hunger Games (i.e., Clove's Hunger Games), District 2 is the ONLY District that doesn't join the rebel side. Instead, they fight for the Capitol. They're sometimes referred to as the Capitol's pets.

HOWEVER, if a warden manages to shake her brainwashing, Clove's graduation will probably come reasonably quickly.

History: We aren't given any actual information about Clove's childhood, but we can infer some stuff. She was almost certainly raised by a well-off, Capitol-loyal family, displayed an aptitude for weapons, violence, speed or strength at a young age, and then made - with or without her family's suggestion - the decision to start training for the Hunger Games arena. She trained, probably from somewhere around age ten, as the youngest tributes in the games are twelve years old, and learned how to use a whole lot of different weapons and learned a bunch of survival skills, but, as already discussed, probably never used them in a practical way. She excelled at knife-throwing and was fast, agile, hardy and strong.

When she was about seventeen, she volunteered for the Hunger Games and through some complex (but unrevealed in the books, though most likely, it'd be some kind of test or fight or whatever) procedure, was picked from a bunch of volunteers to represent District 2 as the female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games.

THEN THIS STUFF HAPPENED. And here's Clove's Hunger Games wiki page, which is more detailed about what she did during the Games.

TL;DR: a lot of kids killed a lot of kids and shit got dark.

Sample Journal Entry: [Clove's been here long enough to see how the reactions to, well, anything generally go on the journals. She is BORED with you and your stupid emotional reaction to death and stuff.]

You know, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but you all whine an awful lot. What's the matter with you? None of you can deal with a little change, is that it? Huh. It almost makes me sick, it's so pathetic. You'd make terrible tributes. I'd bet most of you would die at the Cornucopia in the first five minutes. [She sounds a little irritated as she adds:] And no one would get resurrected there.

If somebody came in and cleaned this place up, it could be- [Now her voice takes on the tone of a creepy smile.] Well, it could almost be as good as the arena.

Sample RP: The District Twelve tributes thought they could get one up on her? On her and Cato? Not a chance. Clove watched from the shadows, waiting for the feast Claudius Templesmith had announced to start. Absently, she brushed a hand down her chest, feeling the assortment of knives tucked along the inside of her jacket. She smiled to herself, just a subtle little curl of the very corners of her mouth. This was her chance. Their chance, now that the rules had changed. Katniss Everdeen, the disgusting little spinning fire girl, she had been lucky before now, but there would be something she needed here, just like there was something for Clove herself. Clove would make sure Katniss never got to take whatever it was back to her little Lover Boy.

Oh, Clove had not forgiven him his trickery either. She wanted him to suffer a little more before the cut Cato had given him finally sent him to his grave. Maybe after she finished carving up the girl from District Twelve, they could go hunt for him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by movement; the ground by the Cornucopia splitting open, a table rising from the earth. Backpacks with District numbers on them. Clove stood, prepared to dart in. Cato would be protecting her from behind, her job was to get the backpack and take out whoever she could, but before she could move, a red-haired figure darted from inside the Cornucopia, scooped up a backpack and ran. District Five. Clove snarled as the tribute disappeared into the safety of the trees, her face twisted with hate. Not safe for long, Red, Clove silently promised her competitor. No one would stand in her way for long. This Games was hers.

And oh, there! District Twelve, Everdeen, making her move, running for the table. In an instant, Clove had a knife in her hand, running for a closer position. She took a moment to aim, a moment to breathe and a moment to smile. Now or never.

Clove threw.

Special Notes: THERE IS SO LITTLE CANON FOR CLOVE IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. She's around for the whole book, but you only see her in a lot of detail in one or two scenes. I've basically just extrapolated on a lot of little tiny details and stuff, and also taken some of the information about District Two and Career Tributes in general and applied that all to her.


application, ooc

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