Jan 31, 2023 23:01

Name: Nica
Personal LJ: kurainoyume
Contact Info: Yume no kakyou
Other Characters Played: Shiki Eiki and Almaz von Almandine Adamant
Preferred Housing: 912 Builko Boulevard child slot please. I got permission.

Character Name: Vayne Aurelius
Character Series: Mana Khemia
Character Age: Officially 6, physically 16, assumed 18. (Since his body doesn't grow, for the sake of Mayfield he's considered 16.)
Background: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mana_Khemia:_Alchemists_of_Al-Revis
Personality: Vayne is very shy and rather insecure, though this is not to say he can't make friends and speak up when he feels like it. When he first began school he was very socially stunted. Having been raised by a cat there was little he knew about the interactions of humans. During three years he began to open up and develop close relations to his friends. Though he was still very passive, he did come into his own during his stay.

In his first year, due to having only ever lived with his cat Sulpher, he was very soft spoken and very shy. He did many things that others considered strange and tried to avoid them. Due to a girl named Jess though, he was able to start making friends. Her open and extroverted nature was what his introverted personality needed. Through her he was able to make more friends, join a work shop and soon learn to be his own person.

As the year went on he experienced lots of activities, showing his childish nature due to lack of experience in much of anything. Also several times his kindness was shown. When a tree was burned down he cried for it, feeling it was too cruel and blaming himself for it. Vayne has a strong tendency to blame bad things that happen around him on himself, and becomes upset when there's nothing he can do about it.

Vayne also has very low willpower when it comes to saying no. Even if the thing he's being pressured into could be considered wrong. Yet, at the same time, his will is like no other when it comes to defending his friends and doing what he considers good. Several times through out his three years at school he shows his ability to stay firm to his beliefs, yet shows much inability to say no to friends and teachers.

By his second and third year he was very different from the beginning of his first, but not unrecognizable. He was able to talk to people easier, enjoy himself, and feel he belonged somewhere. Sadly, he was bombarded by tragedy in those years.

First in the middle of his second year his cat Sulpher became sick, and then later died. Vayne almost could not handle it; he literally almost fell apart emotionally at the idea of his cat being gone. This was the first active demonstration of his powers, and thus Sulpher was wished back to life to due Vayne's fear of living without him. Even near the end of his third year he is still very emotionally dependent on Sulpher, as well as his friends.

Vayne rather enjoys studying and is rather smart. He doesn't give himself much credit though and is incredibly humble. He considers himself not as good as everyone else; even if he might do something better than they can. He is also a creature of routine. He likes it best when he can get up in the morning, attend class, work with his friends in their workshop and then go to bed later on. Most the time Vayne will make things for other people rather than himself, such as foods they like items they could wear, something that would benefit them. He really doesn’t think of himself much at all, his self worth is very low.

Strengths: Vayne is a very good alchemist. He is serious about his studying, does what his teachers tell him, and has a natural gift for it. He is also a rather rounded fighter, able to balance his own special skills, the skills embedded in his items through alchemy and physical combat rather nicely. Vayne usually focuses on melee attack when in battle situations, though he is well rounded for most skills. His kindness is also a strength and to a point his childlike naiveté. He will usually think the best of someone first and foremost due to that. Also he is an artificial mana, and because of that is capable of things humans are not.

In canon Vayne forgives Isolde at the end of the game, though she refuses it. What she did to him no one else would have bothered to try and make a good relationship, yet he did. Also in the game he wins a combat tournament as a freshman, which was never heard of before. He is also placed top of his class, above Roxis who entered the school with high test scores.

Weaknesses: Some of his strengths are also his weakness. His lack of knowledge about the world leaves him very mystified as well as feeling awkward. His social skills are very low as well. His belief that people are good first gets his hurt easily, and his passive side makes him easily manipulated. His emotional state is not the best either, since he is quick to depression and guilt.

In canon Vayne forgives Isolde, and blames himself for having hurt her in a fight. He ignores the fact that he had to hurt her to save his life and the life of his friends. Ever bad thing that happens he blames himself, even going so far as to decide the world would be better if he died. All of his social skills at the beginning of the game come from what he learned from his cat Sulpher. Throughout the game he continues to ask the cat the best course of action. Flay also has a tendency to force Vayne to do as he wishes, most scenarios Vayne will concede to other peoples wishes with hardly an argument.

Abilities: Vayne has various abilities related to being an alchemist, the main one being synthesizing items and manipulating mana and either while doing so. He can also use the skills embedded in items through alchemy, and has a few skills natural to him that he can use with Sulpher, where Sulpher is his weapon. His other ability is from being a mana, and that is the power to grant wishes. Through this power he has brought people back from the dead, and has killed people who can not die. Being a mana also means that he does not bleed, and can't die through traditional means.

Sample Entry:

It's really not so different here, I mean, it's different from Al Revis, but, at the same time I'm doing a lot of the same things. I go to school in the morning, and at night go to my room. It's just like when I was getting used to Al-Revis, and... it's better if I'm like this, it's better for everyone.

Anything here here.

ooc, app

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