[Private Musings]
...I remember a small boy, alone, neglected- but showing great promise. I brought him to our home to become my apprentice... but Louise and I considered him so much more than that. Ah, Louise...
....Erk. Were you aware of this? But then, does it matter- it would not change our relationship. I just hope that he won't be so bothered by this if he has not yet come to remember... I do not think I shall tell him, if under the same premise as he had when he withheld the truth of our relationships at first...
So it seems I have received a staff of sorts since the ball- which by the way was most pleasant an evening. I can't recall what this particular staff would do at the moment, but I suppose it's something and perhaps it'll be of use some day.
((OOC: 1% spent on his memories of how Erk came to become a part of their family; 9% total gained- Physic Staff received.))