RyoDa - Finding the Silver Lining [one-shot]

Jan 02, 2011 12:54


He couldn’t see or feel anything. The darkness surrounded him everywhere, blocking all of his senses from functioning properly.

He tried to move but he found himself trapped in a cramped space. His arms flailed and legs kicking to find an exit but the limbs powerlessly stopped, surrendering to the darkness.

He tried to see. To find out where he was but the mysterious environment blinded him.

He sniffed but all he could smell was the growing feeling of fear spreading rapidly all over his veins. His saliva ran dry in his mouth. All he could gulp was the trembling voice of him trying to ask for help.

Tatsuya! Where are you?

A repetitive melody was heard suddenly, gradually getting louder as the darkness began to disappear. He put over his palms over his face to protect his eyes against the bright light coming from in front of him. His lips formed a familiar smile as his lover emerged from the illumination.


Ryo gasped for air. His chest moved up and down, his white tank top was wet of sweat; the effect from the adrenalin rush. The idol reached for the bedside lamp switch and switched it on. Almost immediately the bedroom was illuminated in a dim orange light.

He felt his phone in his right hand. As he stared at the screen, the digital clock showed three in the morning. His left palm felt the coldness of the other half of the navy blue bed sheet, indicating that his lover wasn’t back from work yet. Or perhaps from the training center.

Once he was composed again, the idol wiped off the sweat droplets from is forehead and pushed away the pooling comforter at his lower abdomen. He stood on his feet and walked no less than ten steps towards the couch where two almost identical acoustic guitars were situated.

He sat comfortably on the couch and reached out for one of the guitars with a sticker of his name on it. Ryo touched the frets almost as if he was caressing his lover. Slowly but surely, he plucked the strings trying to imitate the melody he heard before in his dream.

Feeling a bit unsatisfied, he took the guitar pick on the nearby nightstand. Again, he placed his fingers on the fret then he started strumming the guitar. Without noticing, his lips began moving to the words that were flooding his mind.


Tatsuya was putting his shoes on the rack just before the door when his ears captured a familiar melody flowing in the atmosphere. He had been hearing the same melody played by his lover in the past two months, just when they were back together after a break they decided to have when they realized that the bustling activities and rumors in the industry will keep them apart.

It was a really tough time for him. Having to accept the fact that his group was losing a member.

It was a really rough phase for Ryo. Having to cope up with his antics and work at the same time.

It was a damn difficult period for both of them and the break didn’t really do wonder. But they pulled through in the end although something could never be avoided even when they tried as hard as possible.

The U of KaT-TUN headed straight towards his bedroom and he saw Ryo, sitting on the couch in his concentrating pose, fingers placed on the frets and fingers strumming the strings, clad only in a tank top and sweatpants.

Isn’t he afraid of cold?

He put his keys and cell phone on the nightstand. As he got off of his jacket he sat beside the man and then covered him up with his jacket, startling the other well.


Ryo’s shoulder jerked up when he felt something soft and warm suddenly appearing from nowhere and covered him. He wanted to curse but when his eyes met a pair of his lover’s, he sighed.

“Don’t startle me like that, Tatsuya.”

The other smiled apologetically and pecked Ryo on the cheek. He brushed off Ryo’s hair on temple and tucked in some of them behind his ears.

His hair is getting longer.

“I didn’t. You are the one who was too concentrating on playing.”

Ryo huffed. He stared at his lover’s face for a while, finding any flaws that might appeared when he went boxing. He didn’t find a thing but exhaustion showed well on the flawless porcelain skin. He caressed Tatsuya’s cheek and his visible eye bags.

The older man closed his eyes and surrendered to the gentle touch, giving in himself completely. Ryo had his fingers moved towards Tatsuya’s dampened hair caused by the snow outside. He kissed the other’s forehead and felt his lips getting numb from the coldness.

“Has it been snowing outside?” Ryo asked, fingers still randomly playing the other’s brown hair.

Tatsuya nodded slowly, eyes still perfectly closed showing off those beautiful long lashes.

Ryo stopped his ministrations and averted his gaze from Tatsuya to the window frame just beside the bed. Seven small aromatic candles were lined up in an inch gap on the window frame. He went back to Tatsuya and grabbed his wrist, taking him along to sit on the bed. He also took his guitar with him.

The older looked at him oddly but he still complied.

“I want to see the snow.” Ryo explained. Tatsuya smiled softly.

They sat on the bed side by side.

Ryo looked outside and he noticed that the road was already white, piled up in snow. Even cars were in the same situation especially the roof, boot and the front part.

It must have been snowing heavily.


Silence reigned in the cold atmosphere.

“Have you been having that dream again?” Tatsuya uttered a question out of the blue.

“Yes. The one with the haunting beautiful melody. I’ve already written something for the lyrics.”

“That fast?”

“You bet. The ideas just keep swimming in my mind.”

“Can you play it for me then? We’ll harmonize together okay?”

Ryo’s eyes followed the other’s movement as he grabbed the other guitar, a bit unbelievable, he thought at the back of his mind

“What? I’ve been listening you play it for two months. Ideas are flowing in my brain too.”

Ryo laughed when the beautiful man pouted.

“Okay, okay. I’ll give you the cue, the usual cue alright.”

Tatsuya nodded in agreement. His eyes were beaming in pure delight.

Ryo took a deep breath and he tapped the plectrum on the body of the guitar thrice, before strumming to the melody he played earlier. Simultaneously, Tatsuya started strumming the string to harmonize with the melody.

Ryo’s rough sexy voice filled in the atmosphere together with the lovely melody of two guitars.

“It’s been a while for us to be together. It’s been a while for me to show my love. So trust me baby cause…

I’ll let you possess my life

I’ll let your love poison my heart

Cause my love is crazy

Only for you my beloved

Cause I can’t never live without you

So don’t ever leave me, love

Don’t let go of me

Even just for a half beat of my life

I’ll let you possess my life

I’ll let your love poison my heart

So promise me baby

That you won’t ever leave me

You won’t ever let go of me

Even just for a half beat of my life

…I love you.”

And the strumming melody subsided until they were totally over.

Ryo looked at Tatsuya in the eyes as he put the guitar down. A drop of silent tear slowly rolled down on his cheek. Tatsuya ran over his thumb on the other’s cheek and wiped the single tear.

“I love you too.”

Crystal tears pooled under his eyes as he said those words. He pulled Ryo and they shared a kiss.

Outside, the snow were falling again, witnessing two people falling in love again and this time, falling harder for each other.

.: Comments and critics are highly welcome! :


fanfiction: one-shot, ryoda, comeback fic

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