So i just got back from Hendrix college! And with everyone else's college's posts I thought i should too so here it goes.
(This cut thing better work)
About a month ago i went to Cornell COLLEGE (not university) up in Mount Vernon, Iowa. It's in this cute little historical district. Pretty nice looking campus. The most interesting thing is their academic program cause they only take one course at a time for 3.5 weeks and then they have a four day break. So basically for 3.5 weeks you take an entire english/math/science/philosophy/whatever course and have a final at the end. The whole thing kinda freaks me out cause i stress over one thing for way too long, but other people might like it. A good thing about it is that you have an extra 3.5 week block every year to do independent studies, internships, other jobs and study abroad thingys. Or you can take the entire block off and go home and sleep. was okay. Dorms were icky, in my opinion. Freshmen are cramped into those tiny prison-like 70s style dorms. Nice athletic building. There's an orchestra, choir and stuff. Good english, pre-med and writing programs. So, yep.
But Hendrix was awesome and we all need to go there!!!! Seriously. The campus was BEAUTIFUL! It looked like the botanical gardens. They're sorta an ivy league-like school except in the midwest (Conway, Arkansas near Little Rock). If you drive it's 6 hours, but it's exactly cheaper to fly (under 100 bucks) after gas and stuff so you can get there or go home in like an hour and a bit which is really nice. Great academic programs for English, writing, pre-med, teaching (i think someone said 1 in every 7 doctors in Arkansas graduated there). I sat in a philosophy class and the teacher was very Vogt-like. It was weird. The kids all look, act and talk like us as far as i could tell. Again kinda weird. Food is very good. There are no freshman dorms, and all the rooms are a pretty good size for dorm rooms. No greek system. in fact they have entire week devoted to making fun of the greek system. There's tons of activities on the campus (including concerts and entertainer peoples who come), and if i had stayed a little longer I could have seen the Miss Hendrix beauty pageant for MEN! (This included a evening dress and swimsuit competition) There were lots of guys walking around getting their dresses and bras--it was hilarious! Anyway, everyone NEEDS to visit Hendrix.
So, yeah. My spring break has been nice and relaxing, I suppose. Haven't done too much. Saw Premonition with my sister. Liked it. Watched Buffy stuff. Procrastinated reading Huck Finn. Took tons of walks cause it's nice outside. And that's about it.