So, as the past week was chalk full of NEWS in various geeky circles, I have gone out and investigated and updated myself on other geeky areas, leading to a geeky overload I must share. This will have a lot of cuttext. Why? Because I feel like it.
Nintendo: They Print Money. )
Comments 8
Marvel: What is up with this company? I know they've always been the one that focuses more on characters with issues, but really it's like half the staff are either angry bitter people, or are too lazy to figure out how to write likable characters.
I only check in on Marvel for Deadpool, Pixie, and Rockslide. I have given up everywhere else. I am quite pleased that Santo is right now a running homage to Casey Jones.
At least DC has the decency to alternate between awesome plots and mindblowing crap every so often.
Far as I can tell, Marvel gets more awesome the further away from event plots you get. So long as you aren't involved in whatever the hell is going on, you're pretty golden. All the stuff in the "To Serve and Protect" was golden, but it's all short and far separated from the current plot.
Now I shall go back to being pouty that Dissidia 012 has Laguna in it instead. BECAUSE I REALLY WANTED RINOA TO BE IN IT BAW.
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