Short Spoiler free version: Liked it.
Warning, Spoilers Ahead!
Refining my lj-cuts.
I am a big fan of the original version of the movie. I still am. This was an interesting sort of take on the whole thing. I never read the book so can only comment on how they wanted to focus more on Willy’s back-story. Honestly, Johnny Depp or not, I could have done without it.
He didn’t even really seem like Johnny here. I think if he’d done more of a Gene Wilder impression or maybe even do that as a joke but to then break into a sort of ‘Becca pointed out that he seemed to be doing a Jim Carry impersonation throughout the whole movie.
Jim would have probably done better in this role, but I think he’s having “issues” similar to Marlon Brandon when the filming of Apocalypse Now was being done. He’s often been described as shy so perhaps he’s tired of being persecuted by the limelight and his own fame. He’s made enough money to never work again, so maybe that’s what he’s going to do… or… uh… not do.
They got rid of the guy who wants to buy the everlasting gobstoppers, but left in the kids looking at each other when they’re mentioned. I missed him. There’s even a flashback of him buying secrets from a factory worker near the beginning of the story. I guess now I have to wait for the directors cut on this movie.
I wished that WW would have put in the line about there being a second glass elevator that was used, and how you never knew where it was and if it was going to hit the first.
Don’t get me wrong; the Busby Berkeley scenes were hysterical. ‘Becca and I were laughing nonstop through those. I liked how the boat sequence was more like a river rafting trip, but missed the goop being sprayed on everyone in the first movie. I really liked the technical gadgetry that seemed to permeate the place. The visuals and style of this movie were great and worth seeing on the big screen.
I think that both movies should end up on the shelf, but for different reasons.