Yay! :D Another tutorial! Because I love making them...XD
OK, so, while making icons for my next post, I made this. It included some selective color but then I re-did it so it would be translatable . The first time with selective color was good, but I liked this one better (that and I accidentally saved the PSD in the translatable format). I liked this so I thought I'd share. :D
In Photoshop o7.
Completely translatable .
First I got my base. I chose a Reita base I got from
toriko_bases. I didn't need to fix it up or anything (they have good quality bases! I suggest you go there) so I just got down to business! >O
First you duplicate the base and set it to screen at 80%. Depending on your base you may or may not need to do this.
Next, I added a fill layer and filled it with #00004c and set it to exclusion and leave it at 100%.
Then I duplicated the that fill layer and (still at exclusion) I lowered the opacity to 40%. (I doesn't look like much of a difference but there is XD)
After that I duplicated the base layer, brought it to the top, destatured (Ctrl+Shift+U) it and brung it to the top and set it to Soft Light with an opacity of 100%.
(We're almost finished!) Now I made another fill layer, this time filling it with #91cbcc and set it to color burn (or just Burn for PSP users).
Looks a bit dark doesn't it? To lighten it up, I made a fill layer and filled it with #ffffff and set it to Soft Light at 60%
[OPTIONAL] Ok, now grab
this texture by ??? (please somebod, anybody, tell me! I love using this texture.;-;) and set it to screen. I then moved it over so that it wasn't covering Reita's face so I set it to the side. (If you don't understand this step you can ask for the PSD or you can ask and I can try to explain it better. ^^;;).
And VOILA! There you have it!
Make sure to add some of your own flavor to the icon if you use this tutorial!
If you'd like the PSD to this, just ask. ^^
I'd LOVE to see your results.
! Do not use this icon!
! Comment? ^^