|ra-ra-random 003|

Jun 03, 2009 05:29

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don't you make me cry again, ueda. don't you dare make me cry!







words can't describe my absolute love and admiration for fumito ueda and his projects. the last guardian looks incredible and will no doubt impact me emotionally as ico and shadow of the colossus had in the past. i've read a few comments on how some find the design for the puppygriffin[!] a bit lacking, but i personally love that it's a rather unique take on the griffin concept. it definitely evokes a certain emotional response within me. i can't wait to try this game out =) be sure to check the hi-res pictures for better details! EDIT | ;_;

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well, looks like i'm heading back to final fantasy online. i can't help it, folks! this definitely surprised me during the conference, thinking sony keynote speaker jack tretton had misspoke when referring to the next game after final fantasy xiii as xiv rather than versus. i'm really surprised that they are retaining the races from final fantasy xi for this next online installment, but i'm not complaining [though where are the tails on my lovable galkas?]!

i'm looking forward to more information on this and just how they plan on doing all of this while still supporting final fantasy xi [apparently, it'll still be around when this new game comes around next year]. i'm hoping they will bring over a lot of the recent features that they've added to xi that makes it far more accessible to newer players =) i'm also hoping that they character customization will be far more in-depth this time around aside from the usual faces/hair combo. i'm also excited to see that akihiko yoshida of vagrant story and final fantasy xii fame will be heading the art direction. nice!

i know not a lot of fans were happy to hear it was an online game, but i'm totally down for that! if only to recreate my tarutaru and galka :]

ra-ra-random, video, videogame

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