I am still mulling over my impressions of last night's episodes. I'll post them either tonight or tomorrow. Short version: loved 3.03, had... issues with 3.04. Hence this fic.
Breaking Point
By Ralkana
'You know those buttons, Nate? You keep pushing, and pushing, and pushing, and something's gonna snap.' )
Comments 38
Nicely written, though, I really think you hit the characters' reactions and levels of discomfort perfectly.
It disturbed me, a great deal. These characters are damaged, and accustomed to being very isolated, and they've finally found a group of people they can trust, and their "leaders" are abusing that trust, seemingly left and right (especially in Sophie's case, where it was nothing more than a practical joke!). It seems to me that it can't keep going on.
I know this isn't the way it's going to go in canon, but I hope there's some sort of resolution to that "wrong" feeling.
To be fair, a lot of the anger that came through in the fic was due to his own anger at Sophie's treatment of him, in addition to Nate's treatment of Hardison. It just all sort of boiled over.
Nate's unapologetic attitude made it worse.
That's what got to me. There was absolutely no remorse, no, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't have done that." Nate doesn't think there's anything wrong with it, and that's wrong.
It feels to me like they're leading up to some kind of breakdown with Eliot
I don't know if it'll be Eliot's breakdown, someone else's breakdown, or a teamwide breakdown, but it does feel like something's coming. We'll see, though -- I've expected resolution from writers and showrunners before and have been let down. Only time will tell.
Sure they're played for laughs, but taking control of others actions without their permission is defiantly morally dubious at best, even if it is to help them in some way.
The fact that they're played for laughs is what makes me so uneasy. "Mind control" is such a... silly, hot-button name for what Nate and Sophie did, but it's accurate. What they did affected their teammates' free will, and that's wrong.
As far as what Nate & Sophie did "helping" in some way, I don't see it. Sophie's manipulation of Eliot was done as a joke, and Nate didn't do what he did to help Hardison. I don't remember what his explanation was (something about pushing Hardison to be his very best, no matter what, I think?), but I don't buy it. He did what he did to get the job done. If he'd truly done it to help Hardison's confidence, he wouldn't have told him about the hypnosis at all. As renisanz said above, what he did by telling Hardison about it was actually undermine Alec ( ... )
I think this is what got to me more than anything. Nate didn't present it as Hardison needing to learn a skill to be able to run his own team, no stressing that Alec was too "good" of a person to manipulate someone in that way. Alec seems to come from a "warmer" place, one where I don't think he'd be able to justify using someone like that as a means to an end.
I can see Nate wanting Hardison to see that it's not just being smart and skilled that makes you a good team leader. Nate is ruthless at times, and Hardison doesn't really have that in him, and honestly, if he lost that characteristic, it wouldn't be Hardison. It would be like him losing his innocence or something.
But yeah, Nate's still a jerk.
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