I want to explore the Question/Vic relationship so much, aaah. But O’Neil was SO VAGUE the couple of times it came up that I’d feel like an idiot. I don’t even know if Rucka will touch on it with Renee. Is it even relevant with Renee, or was it merely a Charlie-is-insane sort of thing? OH GOD I WANNA KNOW.
Also, been rereading The Question series (not that one… mini-series, though I’m sure I’ll get to that one of these days, but the other one) and… the 21st… issue… made me baww so hard I just… Especially this:
I am generally not a fan of Cowan’s art but… those expressions... /wibble
And then the high school reunion and then his boss is a jackass and then both characters were accused of being monsters despite growing up with and without parents, respectively. Lkjsdfkjl This is about when I think O’Neil really hit his stride in the series. I mean, there was good stuff before but from right around now to the end of the run, I think it stayed pretty consistently good.
I definitely remember starting to care more right around here anyway…
Now that I’ve found it again, I need to redo my ‘Now what?’ icon…
Doo dee doo, transitional phrase goes here
So… Is the Batman/Batwoman storyline thingie taking place when Bruce is still alive or what? I’m so confused…
And if they start doing the hair color tango with Renee too I’m going to have to punch someone.
COME ON GUYS HOW HARD IS THIS. Renee has brown hair as her and blond hair as the Question. Vic has red hair as him and black hair as the Question. Picking hair colors should be like… the easiest part of the job. Because IT’S ALREADY DONE FOR YOU. D:
Other then that uhhh… Renee needs more panel time. That’s all I have to say. A co-feature is just not enough. Like the fight between Renee and Tot could have swelled to EPIC PROPORTIONS.
Instead it was given a page and then the next scene started. Renee didn’t even seem all that upset that she had just pissed off a guy who I can only assume has become one of her better friends. She’s also living with him (I THINK???) so… y’know… best not to piss off the property owner I’d think.
But anyway, her and Helena are adorable. I continue to be a fan of the pair of them and JLU PARALLELS WHAT. That actually made me smile a lot. Baww JLU!Question I miss you.
And Renee’s lack of knowledge on Gotham’s SUPAHEROES makes me wonder who got the stalker van after Vic died. Because I’ll bet that thing had a file on all the Gotham heroes. I can’t imagine they’d go to use anywhere else… HMM VIC.
Whatever you say guys.
I ship it already.
Maaan, I intended to end this mindless ramble with a fic, but this random angst drabble is refusing to go anywhere… Meh…