So... Star Trek huh?
I'm going to preface this by saying, yes I have seen the original series. Yes, I liked it. Yes, I am a Star Trek fan. No, I will probably not be dressing up as Spock any time soon.
Liked: Characters were spot on. Really. Mccoy in particular. But everyone really was very close to the original. Spock was a little too obvious with his emotions. And Scotty was waay too Scottish. But other wise, thumbs up guys!
The story was occasionally confusing but otherwise enjoyable.
Humor is good. And generally, it made sense in the story. It wasn't just for the lulz.
Didn't Like: Alternate Universe WTF? Really? You had to start and ALTERNATE UNIVERSE!? But WHY!? You killed Spock in the Real Universe for that!
Where was the Awkward Sexual Tension between Kirk and Spock? Come on guys!
There was no 'He's dead Jim.' I am filled with much sadness.
Apparently Spock wrote the Kobyashi Maru Program. Yeah... Right... >_>
I ship Uhura/Spock, but the movie ships it like woah. It was everywhere, even in places where it wasn't really appropriate.
Sulu's 'I know how to fence... WITH MY SAMURAI SWORD!' What Sulu. You know how to what? -_-
Neutral: Obligatory Red Shirt Death felt extremely forced but is still hella funny to talk about.
Voices. Um... characters were great but the voices? I never realized how central they were to the character but listening to Sulu without a low, masculine George Takei voice kind of ruined it for me... And Kirk not speaking like William Shatner, equally saddening.
Overall: Go see it. It's good. If only for the little!Spock, Nimoy!Spock meeting. Obviously, when little!Spock falls in love with Kirk, he'll go to Nimoy!Spock for advice.