So... yeah. Here I am, working my way through season 3 of Supernatural and I'm one episode from the end. And I have to say, whoever wrote this episode was a sick freak. Or, and this is the more likely answer I think, they really didn't think at all when they wrote it.
Now Bela, I have less of a problem with. I went into the episode wondering where she was going to go between now and season 4 because I had never seen her before this season. I knew she was going to die. It was just a matter of how. I could go into how sad this makes me because, yes, I did like Bela quite a lot, despite her being a slimy bitch. She had a certain way about her. She knew what she was doing and didn't feel bound down by any particular moral code. Plus the looming Dark Past is always fun for me.
However, my real problem here is the way they dealt with her. They built her up as a fairly important character for the whole season and that's how they're going to end it? They wait till the episode is more then half over, come up with an inadequately explored reason for Dean to leave Sam, then reveal her Dark Past over the course of about thirty seconds. Well then. How completely anticlimactic can you get?
Then of course, it actually turns out we're supposed to be sympathetic to her, or something (I honestly have no idea what emotion they were trying to get at) because she's got hellhounds on her tail. Her reasons for selling her soul were shallow beyond belief, but I suppose we were supposed to connect her death with Dean's and care?
Um... no. Not only was this character arc inappropriately and abruptly ended, it also pulled out some of the most out of character reactions I've ever seen in the Winchesters. Yeah, I guess they were pissed off, but how am I, as a viewer, supposed to trust in them as heroes when they're not just completely apathetic to Bela's death, but also call her up on the phone and taunt her about it?
So you get a fail for that one writers. Sorry.
Doc Benton
Maybe I have a soft spot for Billy Drago (Barbas, anyone?), but that was the cruelest ending for a character I have ever seen. I'm actually pretty confident in saying 'ever' there because I have never teared up when the one-shot villain of the episode was... disposed of.
Okay, first of all, yay for the makeup and the character and the setup. They were great. The good doctor was absolutely disgusting, horrible, creepy. Yay. I was really hoping the Winchesters would rip his sorry ass into little bitty pieces and never look back. Which is good. He's the bad guy.
I'm not sure what moral wall the writers hit when it came to the Winchesters doing said ripping into little bitty pieces, but the ending they came up with was literally a
fate worse then death. Not just because it kept right along with the apathetic!Chesters thing from Bela's death (I mean, Benton was screaming in actual fear the entire time they were burying him) but also because of what is now going to happen to Benton.
So he's buried and immortal. Basically, once he runs out of air in his refridgerator, he's going to suffocate to death. Except without the dying part. And if that doesn't sound horrible enough, guess what there's more. He said himself that he needs to replace the things that wear out, so with nothing to replace them with... what's going to happen? Organs dissolve so eventually he's going to be, what, a skeleton that's alive? His whole consicousness is going to be trapped in a body that can't move and he is going to be aware of every single second of it. And he'll stay like that till the world ends, maybe even beyond that. At least when he was suffocating he could move.
Um... Am I supposed to feel good about that? Better still, am I supposed to feel good that the Winchesters had no problem doing it? Um... writers? Just because we never see the character again doesn't mean you can do stuff like that to him.
So, writers, to add onto the Bela!fail, you also get EPIC FAIL for not having the balls to just kill him and coming up with a poorly thought out solution to the problem. Either that or you win the Sick Fuck award, because no one deserves that fate no matter who they are.
The worst part about this whole thing is I think I would have really liked this episode if there hadn't been so much write!fail in the last fifteen minutes. Now I'm sort of nervous about the finale.