Saw this meme floating around online and figure, hey, I'm bored at work and all I can do is type...might as well!
Original Character meme!!
1. Choose a few of your own characters. Five at the most.
2. Make them answer the following questions, in-character!
3. Then tag three people.
4. Feel free to go ahead and add some questions yourself!!
Dani / Kristof / Miss Delilah Clancy / Bianca / Logan
A zombie-liche / Her necromancer / A showboat owner in the Golden Age of New Orleans / Hogwarts 7th-year, Slytherin / Hogwarts 7th-year, Hufflepuff
How old are you?
Dani: How old am I?...I…I don’t really remember *looks at Kristof*
Kristof: We’ve been around for awhile now, that’s all you need to know.
Miss Clancy: Sugah, I reckon you ain’t gonna survive long in these parts if you keep asking women their age now. Some folk’s can get a mite touchy.
Bianca: Seventeen. It’s an easy question when you enjoy the answer.
Logan: Seventeen. And I’m going to hide now.
What's your height?
Dani: Five and a half heads. See!
Kristof: Dani, most people measure in feet, not heads.
Dani: But those are harder to stack!
Kristof: I’m 5 feet and 11.5 inches.
Logan: Isn’t it easier to just say 6 feet?
Kristof: I find it pays to be precise.
Miss Clancy: Depends on my shoes darling. I’m anywhere from 5’3” to 5’7.
Bianca: I’m 5’ 2”.
Logan: I don’t think they heard you sweetie.
Bianca: Sod off. Not everyone can be as ridiculously tall as you.
Logan: *preens* I’m 6’3”.
Who's your housemate?
Dani: The most perfect boyfriend in the whole wide world! *glomps Kristof*
Kristof: *blushes* Yes…erm. Well…*ahem*…what she said.
Miss Clancy: I consider all my clients on the riverboat mah housemates.
Bianca: I have too many housemates to name, but I’ve got 4 of the most crafty, scheming, devious, and ambitious roommates any girl could hope for!
Logan: The same. Except replace crafty, scheming, devious and ambitious with Hufflepuff. So…yea.
Bianca: Ignore him. I’ve never met anyone with more house pride.
Logan: *grins and flips yellow and black scarf over shoulder jauntily*
Do you have any kids?
All: NO!
What's your favorite food?
Dani: Um…*another side-long glance at Kristof*…I really shouldn’t say that around people he told me.
Kristof: *hugs Dani*Tomato soup. In a thermos.
Miss Clancy: A Waldorf salad from that charmin’ lil’ café in New Orleans. But I never eat the apples.
Bianca: Strawberries and Cream scones
Logan: Spuds. Any kind. Boiled, mashed, chips…you name it, I’ll eat it!
What's your favourite ice cream flavor?
Dani: Ew. Too cold
Kristof: Not a fan myself either.
Miss Clancy: Raspberry sorbet. With a mint leaf and just a dash of a chocolate drizzle.
Bianca: Cappuccino
Logan: Chocolate chip.
Have you killed anyone?
Dani: Why do you keep asking me things I’m not supposed to answer?!?!?
Kristof: *glances away*
Miss Clancy: *small smile* Who? Sweet lil’ old me?
Logan: Um, Bianca…maybe we should go…elsewhere.
Bianca: Oh don’t be silly. Where’s your sense of adventure?
Logan: Getting kicked in the bollocks by my sense of self-preservation. Also, sense of adventure? You going Gryffindor on me?
Bianca: Merlin’s beard, let’s hope not.
Do you hate anyone?
Dani: Nope! Unless you try to take me away from Kristof. Then I get mad…and angry…and then things get kinda fuzzy…and then I’m full!
Kristof: Myself, sometimes. I hate what happened, and what I-…see she…well *Dani kisses his cheek* but I have her. So it’s all fine.
Miss Clancy: I hate when a certain someone gets blood all over mah new carpet! Oh, and also when certain ruffians get a lil’…ungentlemanly with a woman.
Bianca: I know I’m supposed to say ‘I hate Gryffindors!’ but honestly, I’ve never seen the point. What with the Great War over and all, it’s just not worth the effort.
Logan: Professor Longbottom.
Bianca: *giggling* He’s your Head of House! And you volunteered to spend extra study hours with him!
Logan: *dead-pan* He calls me ‘ol sport’. And ‘sonnyboy’. And ruffles my hair. Unforgivable.
Have any secrets?
Dani: Oh sure. TONS.
Kristof: *silence*
Miss Clancy: Ya’ll are mighty inquisitive, aren’t ya’? I will say one thing…the river hides many, many secrets.
Bianca: I kinda, sorta, maybe, secretly love the fact Logan is so tall *headdesk*
Logan: I KNEW IT!
Do you love anyone?
Dani: My boyfriend! *glomps Kristof again*
Kristof: *pats her back awkwardly* I will love Dani for eternity. And longer.
Miss Clancy: Myself. But I do have fond affection for a select few others.
Bianca: Oh Salazar…love is like…for when you’re older, right? I mean, how are we supposed to even know what love is?
Logan: Oh, yea…sure. Right. *is obviously and completely head-over-heels for Bianca*
What is your job?
Dani: I don’t have one.
Kristof: Professional and Self-Employed Necromancer and Experimental Wizard.
Miss Clancy: Riverboat owner and Entertainer of the Showmanship Variety.
Bianca: Full-time student for now. Hopefully I’ll make it into the Department of Mysteries somewhere.
Logan: Student as well, and a Chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. Don’t really know what I’ll do after school.
Boy or girl?
Dani: Girl.
Kristof: Boy.
Miss Clancy: A woman, darlin’.
Bianca: Girl.
Logan: Boy.
What do you do to relax?
Dani: I looooooove to dance. Go the clubs, just let loose! And shopping. And of course, spending time with Kristof here.
Kristof: I like to read. And tea. Tea’s very soothing. And I don’t like to go outdoors too much, but occasionally Dani will convince me to take a walk with her and there’s a little field where it seems no one walks by and we can just watch the sky for a moment…for a moment, that’s relaxing.
Miss Clancy: When I’m dead tired on mah feet from a long day of singing, dancing, and otherwise entertaining, nothing beats enjoying some iced sweet tea on the balcony of my private suite with Savannah and just watchin’ the river laze on by.
Bianca: I actually find it very hard to relax. I’m always thinking about something.
Logan: That split-second moment after you’ve just pulled off a successful prank or practical joke on someone and you know there’s no way they can trace it back to you. You just bask in that feeling for days, listening to everyone talk and talk about it…That’s relaxing.
Family tree information?
Dani: Kristof!
Kristof: She’s doesn’t mean we’re related, it’s that we’re each other’s family now. No one else would understand.
Miss Clancy: Mother and father both long dead, god rest their souls.
Bianca: I’m an only child, mother and father still together, see them on holidays. We get along well enough I suppose. I do enjoying spending time more with father, if I’m honest.
Logan: 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters, all from my mother’s second marriage. Thank goodness they’re only first and second years! Mum doesn’t say much about my dad though. Sometimes I wish she would. Other days I never want to hear anything about him…
Do you have any background in previous stories?
Dani: Can’t remember.
Kristof: No. We do not.
Miss Clancy: Well…I tend to meet most people who pop into New Orleans at some time or another. There was once this awful rumor about an alligator playing jazz trumpet aboard mah boat! Can’t you imagine the tales some people will tell? And of course, just terrible, terrible lies about sweet little Constance. That poor child.
Bianca: Yes, we go to Hogwarts. No, we’re not the long-lost grandchild of Harry Potter or some rot like that. The Scamander twins were already graduating by the time I got my letter. We have NO connection at all with anyone involved in the Great War.
Logan: I dunno. I could be the long-lost great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandnephew of Albus Dumbledore. Who also has a strangely shaped scar with a mysterious past.
Bianca: Expect you aren’t. And you don’t.
Logan: Oh right. Keep forgetting that.
What was the most dreadful thing your creator has done/ can do to you??
Dani: I was taken from Kristof once. I don’t like to think about it.
Kristof: Our origin. I could have been happier. And the instance Dani is referring to. Entirely unnecessary.
Miss Clancy: She hasn’t done anything too dreadful. That doesn’t mean she should start getting any ideas though!
Bianca: Our story is just starting, so…who knows?
Logan: *whistles the tune of “Always Looks On The Bright Side Of Life”.
Last words?
Dani: People tend to get upset if there’s blood on your clothes. *shrugs*
Kristof: You really shouldn’t dabble in necromancy without checking your pronunciation.
Miss Clancy: Come on down and visit anytime ya’ll!
Bianca: Sometimes, people can surprise you. Even Hufflepuffs.
Logan: Please place all bets for Fridays Quidditch match in the Common Room. Odds are 3-1 spread with a 40pt lead, Hufflepuff favoring to win. *sees Bianca’s glare* What? I’m playing, of course we’re going to win!
Bianca: *makes no mention of how she’ll be cheering quietly from the stands as well*
Oh man, I love all of these guys so much…
Thanks for reading, and I tag anyone who has some OCs that they love and want to do this with! It’s lots of fun, I promise!
Also, if anyone has questions about these guys, just ask! I LOOOOOOOVE to talk and talk and talk about them!!!!