Am I a stranger?

Mar 30, 2010 14:06

Lol, I really haven't been upkeeping my lj :< So I am doing a massive update and photo dump of goodness. It's strange, because I'm on lj more than any other internet client thingsy, but I just don't update that frequently.

Lets see... these are the categories I will be talking abooot. yay!

Simple life... I've just been juggling school, work, and fun. So yay, all goood.

In february we got a new kitteh! We'd been looking for an exotic shorthair (I'd been pushing for a blue cat with orange eyes) for about half a year with no real success with what we were looking for. There was a local cat show, and we went to look at all the purdy kitties, and voila! There was a lovely shorthair selkirk rex kitten female with blue fur and orange eyes! We purchased her cute little butt and took her home! After much debate we all agreed on naming her Oblina (yes, AAhh real monsters :P ) and now we love her and she just about completely consumes our minds! Monster loves her and it is all wonderful!
Actually, it's disgusting how much I love her.

School & Art This semester has been incredibly active! I've been mostly involved in my illustration class and my painting class. They have consumed my mind. Not that drawing is less engaging, I just can't commit wholly to so much at once... and let's just say, my Contemp.Art History class is pure bullshat.
Unfortunately I do not have any photos of my illustrations from this semester so far, I've been getting quite lovely grades and when NIU was being acredited, 5 of my works were on display! This is awesome because everyone else I know didn't even have anything being displayed ::evil grin of satisfaction:: I've been doing a series of massive oil paintings and I'm thoroughly enjoying committing my time to them! They've been in two galleries this semester and I'm working on another larger one of my sister and I! Squeeee!
These aren't any of the finished painting, but they give you an idea of what I've beeen a workin' ohn!

about 6'x4'


Odd drawing I like for an illusration I favored :>
And my sister and I's painting is 8'x6'

Svenpuss and Transworld!
Lotsa awesomeness with the svenies! We're growing as a group and it is filling my hear with utter joy! We visited St. Louis to go to the Transworld Haunted House Exhibition and it was totally awesome and we had a blast! I hardly took any pictures, but here is what I have!

Bodily changes:
Ears- So I've been experiencing some downsizingness of my ears. While I reached my goal size of 5/8" they just weren't looking right. My lobes were getting toooo thin and my right ear had developed a bad thin spot. So around the end of January I took my plugs out to start the downsizing and restretching adventure. I didn't wear anything in them until the end of March and have only been dead stretching and have done a 1mm cut on each ear to work on placement. They're just kinda in limbo. One day I'm wearing 7/16" the next day I'm able to wear 9/16"... it's strange. They suprisingly haven't shrunk any smaller than a 00g. I expected more shrinkage, but eh, tis ok. My right ear lobe is a tad better. It's more even from the cut but still needs lotsa more time a probably another cut or two. My left lobe on the other hand is doing fantastic! To my suprise, it is seriously twice the thickness. I keep floating down to smaller sizes because I feel to lopsided--I'm not wearing anything in my right ear for now. Anywho, here are a few photos for teh eyeballs to assesssssss muh ears.

Cut into my upper lobe on my left ear and pictures of my ear from the past few days. I'm actuall not going to post any super blood pictures of my ears. This particular cut bled a LOT. I was actually suprised. It was straight up dripping into sink and running down my neck O.O sounds like not much, but when you're there its somehow a fantastic amount!

Tongue- As for my tongue, I removed my 12g tongue ring sometime last summer. At the end of January I got my tongue repierced at a 6g. Better placement, larger size. Both these were necessary for me to stretch my tongue and around the time I've stretched my tongue to somewhere between 00g and 1/2" I plan to get it cut. :K (get it! The little face icon will be what a forked tongue will look like! :P will become :K!) Any who, until then so pictures! As of this week I'm taping my tongue to 4g. By next week my new glass jewelry shall fit and I will be full of glee!
Nekked Tongue

Piercing Parlor Pics

Bloody awesomeness :P

Leg- My leg is still a work in progress :] So far this year Tim's worked on the top of my foot and also we've added the anatomy of the inner ear to the inside of my knee. I probably won't be getting much done on it until summer due to funds. Mama's saving up for a car!

I don't have any pics of my foot, actually, so just my ear for now!

HAIR!- I am completely a RED HEAD now! It was a fun process. Stripped it twice and I was good to go! Check eeeet out!

Strip 1

Strip 2

Red on top and VOILA!

The fact that most of these are sideways makes them better :P Enjoy!
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