"there are 3 kinds of people...those who make things happen...those who watch things happen...and those who say 'what happened'?"-Casey Stengel
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got a birthday card from heather today...the last sentence..."seriously, beahve, be patient, life is something to cherish no matter what is thrown at you. be stong woman
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1. respond with something random about me 2. challenge me to try something 3. pick a color that you associate with me 4. tell me something you like about me 5. tell me your first/clearest memory of me 6. tell me what animal I remind you of 7. ask me something you've always wanted to ask me 8. post this in your journal
so im having a pretty good day...get up go to the DR....call the memphis coach leave her a message...go to practice...play bball for an hour...come home call the memphis coach again leave another message...go back to the gym...go get my hair cut...AND THEN MY CAR WONT START...oh and PS ive been driving around with no AC b/c the rold gold piece of
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I turn 21 on june 28...but since ill be in memphis we're gonna have a party the following weekend...its a TOGA party so come dressed ready to throw down toga style...there will be a keg the usual $3 a cup and if im up to it jello shots out the ass...bring your NON SKETCHY FRIENDS ONLY