And I'm feeling all goofy and everybody's in bed. The cat's already found a place to hide lest she have her poor little feline mind fucked with for my amusement. My beanie sloth is game, but he's a sloth and I'm not that patient at the moment. Porn is too ridiculous to be taken seriously and too joyless to be silly. Watching TV is just too
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I have a smallish (about 5-6 inches tall) bronze statue of Shiva (traditional Cosmic Dance figure)which usually resides on top of my monitor. While my mom was visiting we (being my mom, the marital unit, and I) started discussing matters metaphysical in the kitchen while supper cooked. My husband told my mom the story of how the statue sorta
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Mom finally made it out of her driveway, over the frozen tundra of Highway 49 (which Alamance County did not see fit to plow OR salt) and onto I-40. Barring any further delays, she should be here about 3:30 or 4 this afternoon
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