I'm a real stickler for following the rules when I'm the Chief Judge (which is more or less the same job you're doing.) I set that expectation with everybody the week before the election, and nobody's ever tried to cut corners with me.
We have the thing about two people in one car too. I think the county sheriff's deputies might keep me until my other person showed up if I just went by myself.
What do you say to them to set that expectation? I'm not sure how to say it without scaring them that I'll be very annoying about everything (which I believe I'm not).
Of course you're not. But you do have to be firm. I just make the point that I'm the Chief Judge, and since I'm the one who'll be going to jail if there are irregularities, I don't want any irregularities.
Comments 7
Too bad you hadn't mentioned the Tea Party connection on that post -- I'd never knowingly vote for a Tea Partier! Whups!
... is a Tea Partier better or worse than a Fraudster? Hard to say! :O
We have the thing about two people in one car too. I think the county sheriff's deputies might keep me until my other person showed up if I just went by myself.
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