The following post is political. And not about queer stuff, for once. I realize that not everyone on my FList is of the same mind as me, so if I offend you with this post, I apologize in advance.
I want to say for the record if I had to label myself on the abortion issue, I would pick pro-choice.
I am, of course, completely against perfectly healthy women whose condom broke aborting their baby in their second trimester. I know that there are a lot of orphans out there already, but adoption is a much better option. I believe that there are very few and specific circumstances under which I consider abortion okay. For instance, I don't expect a victim of rape to carry the reminder of her ordeal inside of her for nine months if she doesn't think she would be able to do it. I actually consider myself more "pro-not letting old white men telling women what to do with their vaginas," but that would be too long and slightly controversial.
Along with a card from the University Life Center telling me to get a pregnancy test if I think I'm pregnant (which I take great lesbian relish in ripping up into several pieces every time I get one of these cards) they decided to send me a letter-- not a card, a letter in an envelope-- inviting me to a Pro-life coalition on campus. Along with the slogan "Your Mom Chose Life" emblazoned on the top of the letter.
This slogan is one of the most teeth-gritting, berserk button-pressing statements to come from the pro-life side of the debate, for me. I can't even accurately explain why, but this slogan drives me just as batshit angry as some of the antigay slurs and slogans I so often hear.
If I am ever approached by a pro-life advocate with this statement, my first response will always be, "Yes, but my dad didn't rape my mom."