By the way got a 75% on the Psychology final. Much better than I expected to do after seeing the exam, to be honest. Plus it's a lot better than I did on the last exam, which will be in my favor.
So I spent a couple hours watching stuff I missed on Sunday and Monday.
How I Met Your Mother: About fucking time Ted dumped Zoey. Goddamn hippie backstabber.
Superjail!: Pretty good episode, slightly less meaningless than last week's (don't get me wrong I love Jean and Paul, but man XD). That ending was goddamn confusing though, which is saying A LOT for Superjail!, and also possibly the first time Gary's been killed. o_o Also awwwww blink-and-you-miss-it Cancer appearance X3 John Waters voice cameo was unexpected, but this would totally be his kind of show.
Regular Show: If there's two things I love about this show it's a) when it gets dark and referential (looking at you, Bruce Campbell parody), and b) when BENSON IS AN OBLIVIOUS GOOFBALL DORK. DAT MONEY SHOT
Also Skips is so Brock Samson I don't even.