i need to spend time with..... senor binder kyle spanks randi greg fraz g-smith scoot asian andy chung russell hallock springstroph and maybe some loman
anyone else?? so hopefully i'll be hearing back from colleges soon..... then all my stress will go away. but i'm just excited for the scrabble tourament coming up.
when at parties and alcohol is involed never pose for a picture with someone where you're pretending to kiss them. they could take it the wrong way and go toooo far with it.
fuckin' lame. that phrase is. i went to fright fest today, it totally pwned whatever you did today. yep. well the boy whom i wished call me didn't, oh well i'm over that.... haha. white sox won tonight, hell fucking yes!
the only set back this weekend------ not finishing my college shit. it has to get done this week, no questions asked.