I feel like I have a lot that I need to say. I just can't bring myself to put it all into words.
I'll start with the snow day. That sounds like a good place to start.
Khaki and I got marathon drunk, because we realized that we could get super drunk and then we wouldn't feel the cold from the snow. Best idea ever, right? We had jello shots for breakfast, beer for lunch, and 6 pitchers for dinner. I suppose it's needless to say that I had two seizures the next day, but whatever. Totally worth it (kinda).
I jacked up my knee from the snow playing/seizures, and now, two weeks later, it's still a pain in my ass. Or knee. Whatever.
Oh yeah... I had pneumonia too. I can't remember if it was before or after the snow day. It sucked.
Then it was Spring Break. I wrote down what I did every night as a note on my iPhone, just to be sure I'd remember it all. Friday was Corner Bar (our new hangout) with Stuart, NotLucas (John), Alex, and Danny. It was a very, very good night. I hung out with family (including Barb and Ken... Weird) on Saturday, and KatyJack all day Sunday, with the addition of Michelle at night. We sat on Katy's patio and smoked hookah and chatted. I saw Patrick Kudla then too. Again with the strange. Monday was O'Malley's with Lauren, and Tuesday was PBs and the Ale House with Caitlin, Daniel, and Khaki. Wednesday was breakfast with Shell, Kev, Mom and Dad at Mimis. That night, Khaki, Tom, Roger, Caitlin, Michael, Ashley and I all went to O'Malley's and Wild Wing. It was super fun. Thursday was RAK night where we watched the most epic game of basketball I've ever witnessed in my life. Six overtimes! Friday we had a "girls night out" that absolutely exploded into a seeing everyone free-for-all. I got to see Bryan, Adam, Jamie, Drew, Stew, and I met Thomas. It was a ball and a half. Lastly, we came back to Greensboro on Saturday for a party. Crazy times.
Life has been pretty normal since getting back. A few parties here and there (St. Patrick's day was pretty bangin') and a few more trips to the bar (I'm actually getting good at pool!).
Yesterday, Jessie, Khaki and I went to Old Salem. It was an absolute ball. We laid in the grass at God's Acre and soaked in the good vibes and vitamin D. The food at the tavern was fantastic, and I now know more about mattresses, spoons, and German settlers in North Carolina from the 1700's than I ever thought possible. We all had been to Old Salem when we were way younger, so it was definitely interesting to see what we remembered.
Last night we went out to Corner Bar with Alex and Stuart. It was interesting, to say the least. I've got to sort my shit out soon. I don't even know where to begin. Wish me luck.
Today, Khaki and I went and saw the Greensboro Community Theatre production of Chicago. Erik's dad runs it, and he did some work on it, so we went out to support our local theatre. Everyone in the show was great, apart from the two leads. It was a crying shame, but we had a ball and have been singing the Chicago soundtrack all day.
If you made it through all of that, you get kudos and a special place in my heart. I'm going to try and read "And Quiet Flows the Don" some more. It's a fantastic book that keeps making me cry in public. w00t holla for well-written Russian literature!